Play Thymesia's demo in The Nightmarket Festival!

Hell Let Loose

Join the ever expanding experience of Hell Let Loose - a hardcore World War Two first person shooter with epic battles of 100 players with infantry, tanks, artillery, a dynamically shifting front line and a unique resource based RTS-inspired meta-game.

Hello everyone! We’re happy to announce that the Thymesia demo is available on steam again - right now! We’re participating in the first-ever Steam event focusing on games from the SEA region! You can play the updated demo until Aug 8th 10am PST. The demo includes the following updates: [list] [*] Shorten the wind-up animations between saber attacks [*] Shorten the wind-up animations between deflecting and dodging [*] Extend the i-frame for deflecting and dodging [*] Significantly increase the flying speed of feathers and extend the window for interrupting enemy critical attacks [*] Gain super armor while casting all the plague weapons [*] Separate dodge and spring functions into different buttons, so dodging is more responsive [/list] Please share with your friends who missed the previous change to play! Or you can simply click the link and enjoy very diverse games from Taiwan and SEA developers! We hope you enjoy, and please bear in mind that the demo is features the tutorial section of Thymesia - combat is limited in contrast to the full version.