The Wizard Held Captive Update v0.27

Tower of Kalemonvo

Crawl to the top of the TOWER OF KALEMONVO, a hardcore isometric ARPG with randomly generated levels meant for fans of slower paced action games. Fight cultists and monsters, scavenge for magical loot, learn powerful spells and fully customize your stats and skills!

greetings and well met, friends today is a fine day, for it is patch day! there are many goodies this time around - a lot of the changes are responses to feedback that YOU, the players, have left. i am very grateful to have received so many suggestions, and i am always looking into incorporating the best of these into the game without compromising what i think makes the game enjoyable for many. be mindful that these patchnotes only note changes that can be seen in the demo version, there is a lot of work ongoing behind the scenes to make the game be ready for a 2024 release. i hope you will enjoy the update! as always, i encourage you to write your feedback, suggestions and bug reports to me - you can do so here in the steam community forums! without further ado: [b]Update v0.27:[/b] [b]General:[/b] -Changed movement code to better handle edge cases regarding moving to nearby destinations. You most likely won't notice a difference, but if you do I am interested in hearing your feedback. -"Press Any Key" screen now accepts mouse clicks as input. -Gold chests now have a much higher chance to spawn Silver Skulls. -Trapped Gold chests no longer have a chance to spawn no items. -Slow spell can be properly reapplied, refreshing its duration. -Added a Quest-giver on Lower Dungeons 1. He only spawns in specific rooms, and his spawn is not guaranteed. I aim to introduce more characters like him now that the system is in place. -Changed NPC textboxes. The minimap won't clip in front of them any longer. -Reflect Projectile now has a much faster animation. -Reflect Projectile can now be recast while the animation is playing to restart the effect. -Alchemickal table now drops potions near itself when spawned to better hint at its function. -Spell Wheel will now always display when the Spellbook is open. -Added a few more doors to certain rooms on Lower Dungeon 2. -Improved UI in Inventory tab, Spell Wheel and Help tab. -Added some new rooms. -You can now taunt by pressing "D" (rebindable). It has no ingame function besides playing voicelines. -Player voice now has an individual slider in the Volume settings -Improved logic for playing the Taking Damage animation. It won't override certain animations like blocking. -Improved a bunch of animations for the Player. -Added several new Unique items -Changed the music for the first few levels. [b]Balance:[/b] -The Player moves slightly faster. -Slightly tweaked the animation speed for two handed weapons and bows. -Enemies now always have a minimum 5% chance to hit the player. -Changed the chances of ring modifiers to reduce the occurrence of +HP and +Mana rolls. [b]Enemies:[/b] -Experimenting showing enemy HP in the text-box once enough enemies have been killed. This change is experimental and might be removed, reworked or improved upon as I investigate how well it fits in the game. -Changed Cult Apprentice model. -Improved Cult Apprentice behavior and made them slightly more difficult to engage. -Changed Flaming Skull model. -Flaming Skulls now have proper visuals reflecting their current health. -Returned the Faceless head-shake visuals and improved their visuals a bit. -You can now de-select a Combat Art by clicking on an empty slot. -Reduced enemy spawn amounts near the start room on Lower Dungeon 2 to ease players into the floor. [b]Summoning Magic:[/b] -Changed Summon Great Snake Spell to tier 1, making it accessible normally in the demo. Previously it was either accessed through the Shrine event, or by buying a book from the vendor. -Summoned Great Snakes now don't expire after 60 seconds. -Summoned Great Snake model and SFX improved. -Summoned Great Snake display their HP on mouse-over, and have proper Injury visuals -Summoned Great Snake mechanics improved. They should behave smarter overall. -Summoned Great Snakes properly follow you on level changes. -Greatly improved Summoned Great Snake colliders. -Enemies will no longer target dead summons. -Improved how summons deal with ranged targets. -Improved summon position - they will properly spawn where the cursor is. [b]Bugfixes:[/b] -Fixed issues with autosaves replacing player saves slots in the save menu. -Fixed Magic Shrines not being able to cast spells -Fixed Magic Shrines not correctly clearing the minimap -Fixed Magic Shrines sometimes spawning enemies in incorrect positions. -Fixed some unique gloves not properly displaying on the player. -Fixed certain visuals such as the Lifesteal effect not playing for the Player. -Fixed buffs not being properly reapplied on a loaded game -Fixed issue with Named Sun Cult Warriors having lower speed if they rolled a +HP modifier -Potentially fixed issue with white lines appearing on the ground of Upper Halls on some machines -Fixed Item Comparison UI screen appearing when not intended. -Fixed some Save UI bugs with renaming saves. -Fixed drop-down list for Video options sometimes repeating options -Fixed trapped rooms sometimes clipping into other rooms when the trap mechanism is activated. -Fixed spell icon flickering on switching spells with hotkeys when out of Mana -Fixed Hurl Weapon incorrectly reapplying the Combat Art if the player switched weapons before the thrown weapon returned -Fixed Named Maulers using old textures -Fixed Loading Game from the Menu not applying any changes made to the Sound tab -Fixed some inventory images being incorrectly compressed. -Fixed many lever issues in Lower Dungeon 2 and Halls of Pain. -Fixed BG's pacifism if he interrupts his attack to cast a spell -Fixed plenty of issues when hot-loading a game where a different starting character was used -Potentially fixed issues with character animations being wonky if a player loads the game after dying, while dying, or having just been killed. as before, i have also included another piece of the soundtrack for your listening pleasure. you can listen to it here: [previewyoutube=uslH-IZur_Q;full][/previewyoutube] once again i thank you all for your feedback and reports. i am eager to hear your thoughts on the update, please do not hesitate to tell me your thoughts!