Hey Detectives,
So Shadows of Doubt is launching in around 24 hours now. The countdown is on and what an incredibly milestone for our small team. This post will outline some key information ahead of the release so please do give it a read!
[h2]Launch time on the 26th of September on PC & PlayStation[/h2]
[*] 9am PST
[*] 12pm EST
[*] 4pm UTC
[*] 5pm BST
[*] 6pm CEST
[*] 27th @ 2am AEST
[h2]New community bug tracking system[/h2]
We are going to be moving to a new Bug Reporting System that will give you all visibility of what is being worked on. The idea is that you can submit any bugs you find, then Cole will be able to prioritise issues and then curate a public list of what he is working on. You can find this [url=https://www.notion.so/shadowsofdoubt/Shadows-of-Doubt-Public-Bug-Tracker-bed0749047ab4c2b82de820d55dbf7d8]here[/url]
This will be going live properly on launch day and we will look to update it roughly every week so you can see what the most pressing issues are and what the small team here is working on. At the moment on the [url=https://www.notion.so/shadowsofdoubt/0053dddf306643eea972c6595ac897d2?v=25d97977c0ad43b5811787d11ee27987]Bug Status List[/url] you can see an example of how this will look.
[h2]More Launch News[/h2]
[*] We recommend you start new cities to make the most of all the fixes.
[*] We will be posting the full patch notes at launch which will contain not only the new content but a whole host of bug fixes as well
[*] We are also uploading the game's soundtrack to Steam composed lovingly by [url=https://monomoon.co.uk/]Monomoon[/url] so if you enjoy the soundtrack and want to show your support you will be able to purchase it for $5.99
[*] Finally, we will also release a digital artbook detailing how the visual world of Shadows of Doubt was made by [url=https://www.milesartanddesign.com/]Miles[/url], the voxel artist, and with contributions from Cole as well. If you have enjoy
We have also compiled a new FAQ that you can find here. This is also pinned to the FAQ channel in our [url=https://discord.gg/shadows]Discord [/url]where it will be maintained more frequently so for the most up to date news and any additional questions please do jump in there
Right, that wraps up this post. We hope you are excited for the launch and the new content that comes with it!