An immersive sandbox detective stealth game set in a fully simulated sci-fi noir city of crime and corruption. Think like a private investigator and take on jobs to earn cash on your path to catching a serial killer. If you don’t catch them - they will kill again…
Hey detectives, we've got a new patch for you all with a host of fixes that should improve your playing experience! Cole and the small team here have been hard at work trying to squash those hard to find and replicate bugs. As always you can see the existing bug list and what Cole is working on [url=]here[/url]
[*] Fixed: Loading screen getting stuck at ‘Simulating Past Events’ on Casablanca Quarter (it was possible this was affecting other cities too)
[*] Fixed: Route plotting issues where the route would not appear for the player under certain circumstances
[*] Fixed: Switching to clear text mode on an evidence window would result in link locations in the text not updating, and the page controls disappearing
[*] Fixed: Case of laboratory room not generating (creating an empty void). This space should be a bathroom in future cities; in previous ones the door is now a wall.
[*] Fixed: Citizen hats and glasses would glitch out when their wearers were ragdolls. Glasses do now not fly off citizen’s heads when rag-dolled (less theatrical but probably for the better!)
[*] Fixed: Player could no longer interact properly with physics objects that citizens had moved back to their original positions
[*] Fixed: If the player saved while a citizen was repositioning a physics object, the object would not spawn when the game was loaded
[*] Fixed: Fix for citizens holding items they should have gotten rid of
[*] Fixed: Citizen animations are now paused properly when the game is paused
[*] Fixed: Blood pool Y positioning fixed and should also now appear over rugs
[*] Fixed: Raised newspaper hiding status would remain active if you switched items with it active
[*] Fixed: A fairly rare error that caused non-expiring buffs and unresolving cases
[*] Fixed: Issue with some sounds cutting out on consoles
[*] Fixed: Some tweaks to the amount of trash a citizen can carry/drop
[*] Fixed: Some cases of missing window panes within the ‘mixed industrial’ building*
[*] Fixed: Small possible performance boost at crime scenes due to extra blood decals that were not visible to the player
[*] Fixed: Error when player threw a citizen into the sea
* Requires a new city generation to appear/spawn/see