Investigations #18: Hot Cases and Cold Weather

Greetings detectives, unlike the cold weather we are beginning to get for the holiday season, the cases remain hot with our community sleuths on the job! Let’s take a look at what you all have been up to recently: Speaking of hot cases, check out this [url=]monster case board[/url] from Reddit u/DankSpiritCase. Complete with an accompanying rundown of the investigation and we are happy to hear there is another killer off the streets! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35172403/406be927da70fcf14c1850ab07e55bc729b0b2bd.png[/img] Our detective modders never cease to amaze with some of the things they create. Welcome to “[url=]Rexton City[/url]”. With a sprawling 5x7, 887 population city like this, we can imagine how endless exploring it all can feel. Let alone solving cases here! Details along with a link to download provided in the above hyperlink. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35172403/db924cf42d72c43c2b14a9eb55c72381ef7411af.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35172403/6ccff93309c63f80cc8b22afad2aafaf66d7e9cb.png[/img] Secret El-Gen technology, prosthetics or years of training…We aren’t sure but whatever it is, this citizen is taking blows from katana wielding Reddit u/Izikpavlyuk like nothing. How many of you consider yourselves [url=]swashbuckling-detectives[/url]? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35172403/823b5918bb6da1f15413c7e5e8d4281615449d37.gif[/img] Does anyone else here keep track of all their past victims and killers? Detective Trier is with some added [url=]sketch artist flare[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35172403/28510f5f9b0d85508929abe08eaf93c04b56297a.png[/img] That about does it for this investigation, detectives. We leave you with a fun little assignment brought to you by Discord Detective Aaron Assiduous. Aaron has created an OC template for you to use to create your very own [url=]detective profile card[/url]. Don’t forget to share it with your fellow sleuths and we will see you on the next case later this month! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35172403/1ed38127ca99790b32aa80a28753e5ff0e90ec65.png[/img] Make sure to follow us on X and join the Discord to stay up to date on all of our investigations and the latest news!