Talks and Squabbles

Ghost of Fall

Deeply atmospheric and personal journey of a strange, strange man - with handcrafted music, visuals, dialogue, and challenges. All in the form of a 2D adventure game with plesant puzzles and rhythm-based fights.

Another month, another update Last month we've posted an update leaning on the artistic side of things and there's been people asking about seeing some more active gameplay in the next update. This month we wanted to show off the revamped combat, but fate decided that it's this month that our coding powerhouse were to be the busiest he's been in a long time :) So instead, for this month, we've got a different mechanic in the making: [previewyoutube=Gj2MsxN2cls;full][/previewyoutube] While the game's main story is linear, we're incorporating tons of choice-based dialogue for flavour and... well, other, hopefully fun reasons :) Coupled with everything else, surprisingly hard feature to pull off in that game's engine, but thanks to Mr Powerhouse himself, we're getting there! ...and since adding audio is not very coding-heavy, and as we don't like to sit idly, we're sticking with dubbing the whole game in the Felek language. (With way too much time in the hands of the art "department", a lot of planning went into constructing its linguistics and all :) ) Do let us know what you think :) PS. More action-oriented bits of the game coming soon. Hopefully starting next month πŸ™‚ Have a great evening! ~Karibu🦌