Deeply atmospheric and personal journey of a strange, strange man - with handcrafted music, visuals, dialogue, and challenges. All in the form of a 2D adventure game with plesant puzzles and rhythm-based fights.
In case you were wondering... developement on Ghost of Fall is going okay! :)
This year, our summer holidays go into working on the game, which definitely makes our progress faster.
So, what are we doing right now? Mostly adding fine details to the locations we already have drawn. It is during this stage that we add the "Closer Look" areas of the game. It's really fun to make them, and they're a really nice atmosphere-building addition :)
One of those "closer looks" you can see here: Taro as seen from a mountain trail at sunset. One of the first "closer looks" of the game (there's already a lot, and there well be many many more)
Taro is the city where the story of Ghost of Fall (mostly) takes place. Built a long time ago in the Stone Crown Valley, and left abandoned for over three hundred years for... unclear reasons.
Well. Of course now it's inhabited by over ten thousand feleks and among them, there's Ward! A felek drawn to the old city and its mysteries.
A lot of our hearts go into making Taro an interesting place, we're going back work right away. And when we're done - hope to see you there!
Have a good day!