Star System/Galaxy screen overhaul

Dead Metal

1-4 player co op roguelike with turn based combat and an emphasis on exploring randomly generated dungeons in order to find loot and complete missions

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43191354/3656abfdd909a280b0b141ef5655a1bf8c97a5b8.png[/img] As I said in the last patch notes my least favorite piece of the UI was the map enter screen better known as the navigation tab. The UI art for it was lacking and it didn't add any depth of gameplay other than to try to convince the user that at some point real and meaningful universe generation might be on its way. And while I can't yet say that the universe generation is anywhere close to what I want yet, this is the start of bringing it towards that point. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43191354/5671c23874ea6b36a317f160077e9a8797e913a4.png[/img] This is what I've been working on for the last few weeks since the last patch and while I don't think its a final version of how it will work I do much prefer the art and now the universe generation will name star systems and will generate permanent planets. These planets will eventually matter a lot more (and there are only 3 types of planets at the moment) as only certain levels will spawn on certain planets, I just don't feel the variety of level is quite in to meaningfully have 10-15 different kinds of planets though that is the eventual goal. I intend to add planets into the game as I make levels that can only spawn on those types, this will include special levels with different styles of maps like wave defense maps and resource gathering maps. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43191354/7d4616918d943b08df9f588ce1e8d04bfdeb242d.png[/img] The galaxy overview map as seen above will be seeing some changes in the future as well, eventually the type of star in the system center (or black hole/ other large mass) will be part of determining bonus effects in levels ran in that system. But this is still a far away addition unfortunately as going forward its finally time to focus on making new tile sets and enemies to start to populate the galaxy and give purpose to the new planets. ------PATCH NOTES------ -Planets now permanently spawn in solar systems -New art for solar system map -New art for galaxy map -Ophioc cave levels can only spawn on planets -New UI for level selection I'm hoping to get one more patch out before December ends and it will largely be a multiplayer stability patch as I will be busy with holiday stuff until the new year so I don't want to commit to a huge new tile set just yet. I'm hoping for the first of many new tile sets (level type) to be available early February. As always thanks for playing!