Update on graphics improvement patch

Dead Metal

1-4 player co op roguelike with turn based combat and an emphasis on exploring randomly generated dungeons in order to find loot and complete missions

Hello, I know I said there would be an intermediate patch with about half the new graphics but the new graphics combined with the old ones look.... silly. So I'm burning through all of it and hoping to be done by August 20th. Progress is still going well and part of the delay is coming in the form of scope creep, for instance now we have shadows rendered under most units and objects. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43191354/da2abe357d14837a6a5c6471d4db77853bf7e018.png[/img] This is a WIP preview of the new art with shadows included, right now all the player character art is done as well as half the tile sets and 4/5 of the units. While it might be a little later than Aug 20th this will be the largest patch yet in terms of effort put in. After that its back to content content content as Im going to be adding a new mission type as well as another tile set before the end of the year. A few bosses should be making their way in as well. That's it for now, just letting it be known work is still continuing!