Balance changes and Network Fix

Dead Metal

1-4 player co op roguelike with turn based combat and an emphasis on exploring randomly generated dungeons in order to find loot and complete missions

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43191354/3656abfdd909a280b0b141ef5655a1bf8c97a5b8.png[/img] A few balance changes for the first major boss in the game mostly for 2 player and 3 player multiplayer modes as well as a fix for some computers with certain anti-virus software. ---Balance--- -Floating spider adds health has been reduced by 50% if two players are present and 25% if 3 players are present, the health pool way far too large for players to fight the adds off properly while still dealing damage to the boss without a full squad of four. ---Bugfix--- -Constant reloading bug with certain anti-virus software fix, the game can no longer register failures to connect to the multiplayer service from the main page That's all for now, there still seems to be some issues requiring people in multiplayer to all restart the game on occasion if one person crashes in order to re-host with proper values for their characters. I'm still looking into this and have made some changes that may combat this but I'm not totally convinced this is wrapped up hence its not in the bugfix section. I will of course make further changes if need be. Thanks for playing!