Spriter 2 alpha version 0.9.0 release

Spriter Pro

Spriter makes it easy for anyone, regardless of experience, to create 2D game animations using a technique called Modular Animation. Individual sprite pieces can be attached to bones and then easily animated with the powerful, yet easy to use toolset.

[h2]0.9.0[/h2] [h2]Change Log[/h2] [b]Additions[/b] [list][*]Right-clicking on timeline elements with nested sub-timelines now allows you to view and edit easing curves for sub-timeline keys, with any changes propagated to the corresponding sub-timeline keyframes[/*][*]Added permanent menu bar at the top of the screen[/*][*]Added permanent mode switching buttons in the menu bar[/*][*]Added a permanent status bar on the bottom of the screen with information on hovered items (limited to new functions for now) as well as general ui information like mouse position, zoom, currently hovered time in timelines, etc[/*][*]Added status bar buttons for Restore Zoom to 100% (previously only a shortcut), and Onion Skin and Animation Options (previously only accessible through right click menus)[/*][*]Added new functions and status bar buttons for Key All Properties of All Selected Objects, Revert All Objects to Rig State and Key, Revert Selected Objects to Rigging State and Key[/*][*]Added new functions and status bar buttons for Lock Select Objects and Unlock All Objects[/*][/list] [b]Changes and Enhancements[/b] [list][*]Adjusted the speed and scale of hover animations for transport controls for more fluid, seamless interaction[/*][*]Moved previous help and bug report buttons to the Help section of the menu bar[/*][*]Meshes are now named after their filename or PSD layer name if possible to extract (previously would default the object name to "mesh"[/*][/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list][*]Fixed a visual bug where mesh control lines would lag slightly behind when playing back or scrubbing the timeline[/*][*]Fixed a bug where hover animations for transport controls affected their hitboxes, resulting in less satisfying navigation[/*][*]Fixed a bug where toggling play/pause using the spacebar shortcut wouldn't update the transport icon[/*][*]Fixed a bug where on-screen transport controls didn't snap the current time to the nearest frame[/*][*]Fixed a bug where undoing a change to rig test mode would leave the program in an unstable state[/*][*]Fixed a bug where using IK under certain circumstances would cause invisible rigging objects to become permanently visible[/*][*]Fixed a bug where rigging points appeared erroneously and lacked interactivity when loading a project with multiple bones assigned to a single mesh[/*][*]Fixed a bug where exported frames would end slightly before the end of the animation[/*][/list] [b]Known issues[/b] [list][*]Non-mesh children of strokes don't update in real-time when using ik[/*][/list]