Spoxel Updates


Explore, customize, and build across the world of Spoxel as you fight the otherworlders. Use runes to construct custom powerful or infuse weapons and armor with rare resources. Explore an infinite world while you build a base to establish a foothold of power to defend from your enemies!

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31251370/0b00a4cf82c962ebcb825da3e431085c88a39cad.png[/img] Lots of new changes have come to the beta test for Spoxel the last few months! Be sure to join us on our [url=https://discord.gg/VjWEP7a]discord[/url] the latest information and screenshots! There have been 8 patches since the last post. [h1] Patch [/h1] • Bug: Fixed a bug where spikes / lava would insta gib you • Bug: Fixed an issue with the grappling hook damaging you • Bug: Fixed a typo for the ground pounder item • Added a giant magnifier to your computer screens for large screen sizes no more tiny menus in game ○ The Gui now has 3 sizes based on your screen size ○ There are still some graphical issues, but the default size and the size at 1080p have been tested. The 4k size will be tested when I can find a monitor to test on. • Adjusted all fonts • Reworked character screen • Added offhand slot for one handed items • Moved lightmap generation into a separate thread which has improved rendering performance by 10% or so • Bug: Fixed hole in hammer head cap • Bug: Fixed holes in hammer head • Bug: Filled hole in axe • Added spellcasting core which can be used to create spellcasting weapons (store spells like spellbook) in advanced crafting using the weapon recipe • Added Frozen Axehead • Bug: Fixed a bug with axes where they became murder weapons of a vengeful god that gives you 500% crit • Added Backpack Upgrades… you can now add backpacks to your backpack to get more space • Bug: Fixed an issue where user settings were not saving in game • Added wooden shield • Added shield advanced crafting recipe • Torches now cast light when held in offhand • Block placement now only allows primary placement in offhand instead of wall blocks • Bug: Fixed an issue where planticus' tentacles wouldn't despawn if you died during the fight • Added shield recipe to surface tower loot table • Changed help close button wanted to be positive but it is now just an 'X' • Bug: Fixed TNT so it now properly explodes • Added String bowstring • All model info moved to "base" crafting recipe so model shapes can be used anywhere (IE sword blades can be used on armor for example) • Removed accessory slot images from slots… any accessory can be placed in any accessory slot • Added bowstring recipes so they can be crafted now • Added pyromancer bracers accessory • Reworked how items place on armor • Added the ability to "nest" previously created advanced crafted items. Still a little buggy at the moment but usable. • Bug: Fixed an issue with the tutorial scout moving after you kill him • Bug: Fixed an issue with closing the menu after you open the forge • Bug: Fixed a bug with the centering of chat bubble text • Bug: Fixed an area of the tutorial were Figglebottom was looking the wrong direction Numerous behind the scene changes for future updates and technical debt changes [h1]Patch[/h1] • Shift clicking items into chests will now check for stacking • Added Remote Inventory spell effect rune • Added a visual effect for the spell effect mark • Bug: Fixed the speed of the bone blade • Bug: Fixed an issue where items wouldn't properly teleport into a marked chest location • Bug: fixed the spawn chance of air crystals and earth crystals • Bug: Fixed a crash error due to items with cool downs being moved • Bug: Fixed an error with client shutdown • Lots of tooltip changes • Bug: Fixed issue with advanced crafting transform changes for slot 7 • Added a Anhk block and added it to advanced crafting • Added a desert pillar block • Reworked internal stat changes for magic items (custom magic items will lose stats) • Added necklace of eternal wisdom • Bug: Fixed an issue with chest loot generation • Added ring of regeneration • Removed invulnerability period after a player / enemy takes damage. • Bug: Improved speed of location rune checks • The touch spell component will now also target any enemies close to your cursor • Added Rune Targeting Shape Delay • Bug: Fixed bat bounding box • Bug: Fixed issue with overlap mob damage • Lighting detail now also affects how often the dynamic lightmap is updated • Performance improvements to dynamic lightmap generation (up to 50% in some cases) • Bug: Fixed an issue with certain targeting shapes not using the color correctly • Added ring of Fire Resistance • Added ring of Frost Resistance • Added ring of Arcane Resistance • Added ring of Nature Resistance • Dr Moo Doo has taken up residence in the Jungle Temple • Added health potions • Added advanced health potions • Pause game now works in single player. Game will pause with menu open or when the screen loses focus. • Added front facing wedge block shapes • Added a way to scale the ui from the config… may not look great, but it is an option until I can get something more robust • Added a block attack item property • Added a skill gem called 'Guard' which reconfigures weapons created with it so the secondary attack is block • Dye colors now will carry forward in advanced crafting • Added Advanced crafting recipe for bow • Added Copper Bow Body • Added Iron Bow Body • Added Gold Bow body • Added Xilith Bow body • Added Corrupted Bow Body • Added Agilite Bow Body • Added Copper bowstring • Added Iron bowstring • Added Gold bowstring • Added Xilith bowstring • Added Corrupted bowstring • Added Agilite bowstring • Bug: Fixed an issue with icon generation • Bug: Fixed color correction for handles for copper and gold • Bug: Fixed color correction for axehead for copper and gold • Bug: The charge bar for bow charge shots now hides after shooting • Bug: Fixed a bug where OBS would not correctly render the advanced crafting window. OBS has gone to anger management and hates Spoxel much less now. • Bug: Fixed an issue where entity components wouldn't be updated correctly • AI Consistency rework • Added Boss Burnee The Burninator… hes new and a little shy at the moment • Added Boss Flamelash Started the processes of reworking a lot of the base AI code to make it more module [h1]Patch[/h1] • Added sandstone square block • Added runed sandstone columns block • Added icons for runed sandstone block • Added brazier decoration / light block • Added sandstone squares block • Added a recipe for web block • Bug: Fixed an issue with models jumping around the scene • Added a 0.5 second global cooldown to projectile attacks (sorry mini bow…. Its harder to blot out the sun) • Bug: Fixed a bug with teleport not resetting fall height • Bug: Fixed an issue where you could cast spells with beam components without enough mana and the beam would no longer go away • Bug: Fixed a spelling error on rune unlock • Bug: Fixed an icon error for a creative icon • Crafting spells in creative mode no longer requires materials • Bug: Fixed a tooltip error that removed line breaks • Added a cloak mutator that will block spell block effects such as spell light or runes which hides the visual of the spell block • Bug: Started to work on alt tab issue step 1 of many • Bug: Fixed an issue with the /spawn command attempting to spawn a player • Added a launcher before the game starts • Moved the following options settings to the launcher options screen: ○ Screen resolution ○ Fullscreen Flag ○ Vsync Flag ○ Borderless Flag ○ Refresh Rate • Bug: Options crash bug has been eliminated with the new changes • Added a note when you apply options to let you know it has been applied • Changed the texture of the stone block etched block • Bug: Put in a few for step assist to reduce the rubberbanding that could occur • Added Half Slab Support for the Deco Hammer • Modified the player models so they are centered in their hitbox • Slightly narrowed player hitbox • Modified players mass so jumping feels less floaty • Capped player fall speed • Bug: Fixed a crash bug with the physics code • Boosted default Mine Distance • Reworked mining and mine speed. The low end should be faster now and scale more effectively. • Changed the mine hit sound timing • Modified JRE's included with spoxel to include openjdk for launcher screen • Added Light debug info to the debug screen • Added a desert Obelisk • Added several different sandstone recipes • Changed Slowfall so holding down will negate its movement effects (but still protect you from fall damage) • Bug: Fixed a crash issue with status effects • Added a slight cooldown to hotbar changes (sorry you can't change more than 60 times a second you speed demons you) • Bug: Fixed an issue with bone blades causing a crash • Bug: Fixed an issue with web blades causing a crash • Bug: Fixed a major memory leak error which would degrade performance as more thing spawned • Added more entity debug info to the profile screen • Advanced crafting recipes will only grab stats from the first item type. The remaining types can add traits, abilities, and models. (no more 9 bagillion armor) • Speed reduction from sword handles, katana hilts, and tool handles has been slightly reduced • The void dirt trait has been removed from the copper bindings [h1]Patch[/h1] • Added background for the molten expanse • Added ash blocks • Bug: Fixed volcanic rock so it drops a block • Reworked volcanic rock texture • Reworked world gen in molten expanse • Added Cindershrooms to the game. They spawn in… you guessed it… the molten expanse • Added earth elementals • Added fire elemental • Changed fireball particle texture • Advanced crafted recipe components now attempt to add to your inventory first and if they have no room will drop at the player position • Bug: Fixed an issue where items from the advanced crafting system would drop at 0, 0 • Bug: Fixed a case where components wouldn't correctly sync on start • Made some improvements to animations • Changed how attacks are tracked with animation to better match up • Added a new Spell Mutator Rune called penetration which lets projectiles go through terrain and at the second level hit multiple mobs as well • Added the "Luminous" crafting trait which lights up the area around you (acting like a torch) • Candles and Jack O' Lanterns now provide the luminous trait in advanced crafting • Reworked how markup text is used in the help page system for eventual modding support • Added a traits page to the help menu to provide some info about what the traits do • Bug: Fixed an issue where item cooldown wasn't being serialized to the client • Haste has been moved from arcane -> air • Armor can now apply stackable buffs • Bug: Fixed an issue where buffs could overflow and prematurely be removed • Added the thorns trait which is stackable and does damage to anyone who attacks you • Added spikes to the armor advanced recipe list • Changed the engine so advanced crafted parts can be animated • The shark blade is now animated • Added copper gear • Added iron gear • Added gold gear • Added xilith gear • Added corrupted gear • Added agilite gear • Bug: Fixed an issue with webpull where the entity wouldn't travel the correct speed when pulled • Bug: Fixed an issue with telekinesis where affected entities wouldn't move the correct speed • Added Vine Whip ability which pulls enemies to you as well as damages them • Reworked the furnace to properly pull power from surrounding blocks • Bug: Fixed the tooltip bug on the crystal generator's power display • Removed Recipe unlock recipes from loot table since they aren't needed anymore • Added tech table to the game for advanced technology construction • Moved gears, electrical nodes, spring, crystal generator, and furnace construction to tech table • Added tower loot table • Added electrical components material item for tech crafting • Added comfy padding • Added advanced padding • Added silky padding • Added angelic padding • Added a cooldown property which can be added to items that prevents other item properties from executing • Added a option to reverse the scroll wheel for the hotbar • Bug: Fixed an issue where the mouse wasn't properly captured in the help screen • Reworked Obsidian Block • Added the ability to change the edge texture for blocks • Added bordered volcanic brick block • Added crossed volcanic block • Added volcanic obsidian block • Added obsidian brick block • Added fire runes block • Bug: Changed the way losing focus works so the application won't crash when you alt tab in single player while in fullscreen mode. Multiplayer can still be inconsistent due to the need to keep the clients in sync. This will also pause the screen if you lose focus in singleplayer too. • Your avatar has stopped skipping leg day and can now automatically climb 1 block height • Reduced the pickup time of items • Reduced animation time for placing and mining blocks • Added laser turrets… Some changes coming in future patches here • Added laser turrets to advanced weapon crafting… that's right… you can now make sharks shoot lasers • Updated model preload list [h1]Patch[/h1] • Bug: Fixed a crash bug with disarm • Added code to prevent some mobs from attacking if they are disarmed • Bug: Fixed a crash bug from changes to icons that cycle in basic crafting and spellcrafting windows Bug: Fixed several issues related to furnaces [h1]Patch[/h1] • Bug: Door sounds weren't properly using the sound levels • Bug: Fixed a timing / crash bug with death effects • Added katana parts to advanced weapon crafting • Added Special Properties to advanced crafted weapons based on the material type highest in the list ○ Katana - Fast speed, and continual swing mode primary attack ○ Axe - Increased crit chance ○ Greatsword - whirlwind skill ○ Hammer Head - stun chance • Added an upper bounds to weapon reach so making infinitely large weapons isn't useful • Added check to limit resolution so you can't set it too low • Bug: Fixed an issue where switching between weapons would hide the abilities • Bug: Fixed a bug with gui effect that cycles images • Bug: Fixed dye color issue in basic crafting • Wood armor can now be used in the advanced crafting window • Adjusted wood pickaxe to be slower to be more inline with the crafting curve • Added a spring item • Changed bounce mutator to use spring as required ingredients • Added a new bouncy trait which increases jump height when used to craft boots • Bug: Fixed an issue where items wouldn't save when chunks unloaded • Added recipe for deco hammer • Added recipe for paintbrush • Pickaxe Head parts now have a speed associated with them • Handles used in pickaxe recipes now reduce the swing time required to mine a block instead of add time • Bug: Fixed a bug where advanced recipes that used blocks would crash when selected • Bug: Fixed an issue where chests wouldn't update their state so you would lose materials when chunks unloaded • Bug: Fixed a buffer overflow bug which would cause chunks to not render • Added Tophat to helm advanced crafting recipe list • Added Horned Feather Hat to helm advanced crafting recipe list • Added Tribal Mask to helm advanced crafting recipe list • Added Wizard Hat to helm advanced crafting recipe list • Added Santa Hat to helm advanced crafting recipe list Added Mining Hat to helm advanced crafting recipe list [h1]Patch[/h1] • More performance improvements • Improvements to advanced weapon performance Bug: Fixed a crash in the tutorial [h1]Patch[/h1] • Added a bounce modifier for spell projectiles • Bug: Fixed an issue where arcane projectiles wouldn't scale correctly when split • Bug: Fixed an issue where jumping wouldn't function correctly at max height • Bug: Fixed an issue where focus wouldn't properly reset after applying option changes • Added more logging around option changes • Added a zoom in / out feature for the camera • Bug: Fixed an issue where corrupted ore would only smelt to xilith bars • Bug: fixed an issue with OBS not displaying the game • Bug: Fixed a volume bug with inventory pickup sounds / crafting noises. Audio should now be set correctly. • Bug: Fixed an issue where dig wouldn't pass the correct spell location so drops would end up at 0,0 • Bug: Fixed reed drop issue. Will no longer drop 2 reeds. • Bug: Fixed a multiplayer sync issue where the model representation's position wouldn't update • Bug: Fixed an issue where iron pickaxes wouldn't mine stone blocks with different shapes in one hit • Changed input handling so player slides less when input stops • Reduced item pickup cooldown after items are mined or dropped • You now die at 0 health instead of surviving with a flesh wound • Added a tooltip for the oak sappling • Oak Sapling now requires dirt or grass to plant • Oak Sapling help page has been updated with planting reqs • Birch Sapling now requires dirt or grass to be planted • Birch Sapling help page has been updated with planting reqs • Spruce Sapling now requires dirt, grass, or snow grass to be planted • Spruce Sapling help page has been updated with planting reqs • Jungle Sapling now requires dirt, grass, mud, or mudgrass to be planted • Jungle Sapling help page has been updated with planting reqs • Torches now require a wall block or a block near it in order to place • Bug: Fixed issue where player wouldn't properly be removed from the update list for forge and furnaces so it would appear that you could only use one • Offloaded pathfinding to a separate thread to reduce lag • Changed block placement rules so they, in general, require something near them to be placed or in some cases something beneath them • Improved performance around weapon usage • Bug: Fixed an issue where switching between items that would give off light wouldn't remove the light attribute • Bug: Fixed an issue with switching between items not properly registering • Bug: Fixed an issue where switching between items that were currently being used could cause an issue • Bug: Fixed an issue where ticking blocks would attempt to tick block attributes that didn't tick (like chests) • The monsters became tired of being attacked through walls and banded together to cast a spell so swords no pass through them • Reduced monster spawn rate until new spawn rules are implemented Bug: Fixed several crash bugs