Hell is Others

Hell is Others is an extraction top-down shooter combining roguelike elements. Outside the safety of your apartment lies the noir hellscape that is Century City. A city of endless night that straddles the line between reality and insanity. Explore, hunt, and loot in a place where blood is currency.

Greetings Citizens! Have you ever dreamed of wandering in Century City without The Others trying to kill you? Well, now you can! We are happy to announce that we have added a brand-new [b]Single Player Mode[/b]! You can now play the classic hardcore top-down action experience offered by Hell is Others without facing other players in your same game. To celebrate, Hell is Others will be [b]50% off[/b] from NOW until April 13th, 2023! And without further ado, here are the Single Player Update Patch Notes! In addition, here are some juicy news about rebalancing, Easter, and more! [h3]Singleplayer[/h3] [list] [*] Dedicated loot distribution [*] Dedicated waves configurations [*] Dedicated Credit progression [*] Toxicity and satiety bar modifies according to credit level [/list] [h3]Rebalance[/h3] [list] [*] Device Wheel: devices can be selected with a separate wheel from the weapons wheel. They still need to be intentionally selected before they can be used. It is a system to make it faster and more convenient to use otherwise ignored devices. This has been done to make the combat more exciting and add value to the devices! [*] We rebalanced loot for Things level II to incentivize the player to go up in credit to fight against them; [*] We rebalanced the Elimination Quests in order to make them less frustrating; [*] Deodorant is now a Tranquilizer. On Others, while the item effect is applied, the player's Walking and Running "Movement type modifier" become the same as the Sneaking One; [*] On Other Things, while the Deodorant effect is applied, the Item reduces the following Other Thing acoustic ranges: now it's way more difficult for the Thing to find you; [*] We reworked the basement system: in this way, we try to enable the basement to have a maximum of storage slots for furniture and give the player the means to delete undesired ones; [/list] [h3]Easter Update[/h3] [list] [*] We added some funny Easter presents around the City: you can eat our sweet, funny eggs and gain some health! [*] There's also some loot waiting for you in these Easter baskets: the more you grab, the more you get! [*] Finally, a big, juicy present awaits you in your condo: have a lovely weekend, Citizens! [/list] [h3]Bug fixing[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed bonsai remaining watered if it was put in the basement before going to sleep; [*] Others are no longer required to complete the bestiary achievement; [*] Fixed the possibility of placing the bonsai inside the basement if watered; [/list] We can't wait to read your opinions on the new update on our [url=]official Discord[/url]! [i]See you in Century City.[/i]