Hell is Others

Hell is Others is an extraction top-down shooter combining roguelike elements. Outside the safety of your apartment lies the noir hellscape that is Century City. A city of endless night that straddles the line between reality and insanity. Explore, hunt, and loot in a place where blood is currency.

Hello Citizens! Today we return with a rich news devlog! We have a lot to talk about: first, [b]we’ll show you what we want to bring in the future[/b] of Hell is Others; secondly, [b]we’ll tell you what happened[/b] on the game Discord server! [h3]Other Things[/h3] Regarding the game, we’re introducing the [b]Other Thing[/b], which represents [b] a new level of challenge[/b] for the game: we're trying to [b]match the difficulty level[/b] of an encounter with [b]another player[/b]. With this new enemy, we’re also [b]allowing players that wants to focus on PVE[/b] to be able to [b]complete the game[/b] without having to [b]kill other players[/b]. We designed the Other Thing to be a[b] great menace[/b] even for very [b]skilled[/b] and [b]veteran[/b] players. It is made in the image of the Others, and [b]you’ll learn in time [/b]that it has a different [b]set of skills[/b] compared to the Things that you can encounter in the game. [b]We can make you imagine the direction[/b] we want to take [b]with a small but terrifying image[/b]: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39298344/51780855be81821676f38b1530156c04a97576f2.png[/img] What else can we say? [b]Good luck[/b], Citizens. But in the future of Hell is Others there’s not only this enemy, but also [b]some tasty additions[/b] that we think can give [b]something more to your experience[/b]. Right now we are working on a [b]key system[/b] and the [b]bullet calibers[/b]! [h3]Keys system[/h3] As for the key system, we decided to implement it because [b]we noticed that you tend to use the same looting strategies[/b], due to the fact that the Century City map never changes. Plus, we also think that with this system we can [b]create areas with higher-value loot[/b], and [b]increase the tension between players[/b] when you fight over sought-after objectives. We [b]already tested[/b] this system during the test of the PVE, so luckily [b]we already have the feedback[/b] of our users, who during the testing of the PVE mode expressed doubts about [b]the impact of this mechanism[/b] on strategies that matured over time. As a result, [b]we have inserted fewer special containers[/b] than expected to offer both a [b]valid new objective[/b] and the possibility of [b]exploiting strategies[/b] you studied over time. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39298344/860e60ccc2387811215089bdaa4917c517150de4.png[/img] [h3]Weapon Calibers[/h3] With the other addition, the calibers, [b]we want to balance out a problem[/b] we have seen in some weapons. Shotguns, for example, are very good [b]not only for their pure damage[/b] but also because [b]they are very efficient[/b]: with the same bullets as other firearms, [b]they do more damage[/b]. With the introduction of calibers, we can [b]make this ratio more balanced[/b]: the damage is more significant, but now the number of bullets [b]will be smaller[/b] since we will intervene on the[b] type of plants[/b] that you can find on the map of Century City! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39298344/b427ac6699a19bbb77c0ab187c77adc0c669aeed.png[/img] [h3]Packages[/h3] We’ve also implemented a [b]new kind of lootable[/b], designed to stimulate players to [b]explore every area[/b] of the map because we noticed that they rarely use some [b]peripheral zones[/b] of Century City. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39298344/48689d3fc71dbf77232da34130387fe525e83ca3.jpg[/img] [h3]Community[/h3] Now for the news about the community. At the end of January, we [b]launched the Blood Hunt event[/b]: the community's goal was to collectively [b]eliminate up to 200,000 Things[/b]. It took you very little to tear that number: in a few days, [b]you have reached the maximum number[/b] of eliminations! We then decided to[b] increase the challenge[/b], marking two new goals: [b]4,000,000[/b] and [b]6,000,000 Things[/b]. You have given all for this challenge, and [b]you have far exceeded[/b] the first of these two goals! [b]Your sense of civic duty is admirable[/b]: congratulations, citizens! So to celebrate, [b]we're giving everyone[/b] who met the participation criteria for the event [b]all three prizes- trophies[/b], plus a brand new wallpaper to decorate your apartment! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39298344/1484820e4fc05600a91926fa6c2758d81fb99664.png[/img] Speaking of community: we are [b]really proud[/b] to show you the [b]special reward[/b] we made for our Patron [b]Achilles[/b], the first to have reached [b]over 100 friends invited[/b] through the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/964440/view/3613607352213370375?l=english]referral program[/url]! That level grants you a [b]customized painting[/b] of your choice, and we expected Achilles to choose... well, himself! But [b]look what he wanted[/b] us to represent: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39298344/fa87b1d55b8b88e3b12e05a736bce8638c4e201c.png[/img] It’s his dog, [b]Boone[/b], driving the mullet he uses for work: [b]so cute[/b]! Finally, last week we launched the test of the [b]new PVE mode[/b] of Hell is Others: we collected [b]as much feedback as possible[/b], and now we will [b]thoroughly analyze all the data[/b] collected so we can work effectively on Hell is Others! As you can see, [b]a lot coming up[/b] in the future of Hell is Others: [b]we can’t wait to share [/b]our ideas with you, and see you [b]fight for the last key [/b]left! Remember that to boast of your success you can access the[url=https://discordapp.com/channels/783268493662617620/785510419196411925] discord[/url] of the community! See you soon, Citizens!