HotFix 1.5.16

Hell is Others

Hell is Others is an extraction top-down shooter combining roguelike elements. Outside the safety of your apartment lies the noir hellscape that is Century City. A city of endless night that straddles the line between reality and insanity. Explore, hunt, and loot in a place where blood is currency.

Hello Citizens! Here we are with the latest [b]HotFix Update[/b] for Hell is Others! Before looking at the other fixes, just a few words about one of the[b] most important parts[/b] of the Update: the [b]new duos design[/b]. You have pointed out[b] several times[/b] the problem of the unreadable "companions" during your games. We decided to [b]solve this[/b] by changing some of the rules related to duos: [list] [*] The Other partner [b]has a blu area at its feet[/b] to differentiate it from enemies. [*] We also make it [b]possible to extract two players from the same lift[/b] if they are part of the same team. [/list] We’ll check [b]your feedback [/b]to know if this new design matches your expectations! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39298344/8324531a9d12657e400399484b9b2681dcf4786e.gif[/img] We’ve also worked on a bunch of bugs and problems that [b]you have pointed out to us[/b]! Here’s the full list: [list] [*] Fixed a bug where [b]players got blocked[/b] (so they cannot continue the story) [b]closing the game[/b] right after talking with Isolde during Act II; [*] Fixed a bug where [b]players can skip Alfred's mandatory dialogues[/b] if they go to sleep with a perishable item in the inventory, causing the player to [b]be stuck during the story[/b]; [*] Fixed the bug that caused the player to [b]not have the updated map[/b] (the player stayed with the tutorial map); [*] Fixed an issue on [b]reconnection in case of a player in a party[/b]; [*] Fixed a bug that [b]caused some rewards to disappear from quests[/b] with modified bullets as rewards; [*] We made [b]prestige paintings priceless[/b] in order to make the story progression fairer. [/list] Thanks again for your attention, Citizens!