Hell is Others

Hell is Others is an extraction top-down shooter combining roguelike elements. Outside the safety of your apartment lies the noir hellscape that is Century City. A city of endless night that straddles the line between reality and insanity. Explore, hunt, and loot in a place where blood is currency.

Hello Citizens! Welcome to the [b]first devlog[/b] of the year! In this update, we will tell you about [b]some changes[/b] we intend to make to the game, as well as some [b]new ideas[/b] that we think can work well with what we have done so far! Without a doubt, the [b]first thing[/b] we want to talk about is the [b]additions for PVE[/b]. Trying to meet the [b]requests of a part of the community [/b]while keeping the [b]PVP as the core element[/b] of the game, we thought we’d [b]offer an alternative[/b] for those passionate about the game’s story and the world we created. That’s why we decided to include [b]some new content on the PVE front[/b] of the game, but do not worry: [b]we will continue to work on the PVP[/b] side of Hell is Others. As proof of that, we will include a [b]new type of enemy[/b], designed both as a [b]rewarding challenge[/b] on the PVE side and as a [b]dynamic opponent[/b] for PVP. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39298344/9d2bff895ce64f1284ca896b3a2e27d36f33a6c7.gif[/img] We will go into detail on this new content [b]in the coming days[/b]: at the moment, we can only let you taste some of what will come. What we want to [b]emphasize[/b] is that the final goal of this phase of development is to [b]ensure the possibility of completing the game entirely in singleplayer[/b]. Another relevant novelty we intend to add is the “[b]keys system[/b]”. We noticed that some of you have looting strategies that you can [b]always exploit[/b], given that the map never changes. That can lead to [b]repetitive matches[/b]. With the introduction of the “keys system”, you’ll find [b]some containers[/b] on the map that you [b]can open only with the specific keys required[/b]. You’ll find some of those keys in most of the containers [b]around Century City[/b]. With this system, we think we’ll be able to [b]encourage the pursuit of different goals[/b] and [b]increase the tension[/b] when you are contesting an objective with other players! Another significant addition is that of the [b]toxicity bar[/b], different from that of the satiety already in use. In fact, we have noticed that [b]healing with food risks becoming counterproductive[/b], because it helps to increase the satiety bar along with pills and mushrooms. To address that, [b]we created the toxicity bar[/b]: from now on, eating pills and mushrooms adds to that bar, that you can [b]reset sleeping[/b] or… well, [b]dying[/b]! Finally, we are implementing [b]two different matchmakings[/b], one for [b]solo queue[/b] and another for [b]duo queue[/b]: it’s something [b]you’ve been asking for a long time[/b], and we’re happy to add it to the game! This way, we will get a [b]more balanced[/b] experience. We have many other ideas planned for Hell is Others, as well as [b]some surprises[/b] we hope to share with you as soon as possible. In the future, [b]we will tell you more[/b], but meanwhile, remember to access our [url=https://discordapp.com/channels/783268493662617620/784738779335491584][b]Discord channels[/b][/url] to participate in community [b]events[/b] and [b]debates[/b]! Have a good treasure hunt!