New Duo Design is now live!

Hell is Others

Hell is Others is an extraction top-down shooter combining roguelike elements. Outside the safety of your apartment lies the noir hellscape that is Century City. A city of endless night that straddles the line between reality and insanity. Explore, hunt, and loot in a place where blood is currency.

Hello Citizens! In the recent HotFix, we told you about the new [b]duo design[/b]: after listening to your feedback, we decided to [b]modify some of its features[/b], so that we could add something valuable to this mode! We want to talk [b]a little bit more[/b] about this new introduction, since it is a [b]heavily requested[/b] one by the community! First thing first:[b] how does it work[/b]? As always, you have to invite a friend from the party menu and take to the streets together. From now on you can [b]recognize your partner[/b] from a [b]blue circle[/b] below its avatar, as you can see in the image below: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39298344/a1e5ed2e3210806a7d5c373bccdd28c703bb3f5a.jpg[/img] At first, we tried to implement a more “[b]diegetic[/b]” way to communicate this, but we thought that [b]clarity is the most important thing[/b] during matches, so we landed on a [b]quite clear blue circle[/b]! When the match starts, [b]your partner spawns elsewhere [/b]just like in the old way, and [b]you have to reunite[/b] with the Other to cooperate, fight, or exchange items. But, to make the match more “[b]cooperative[/b]” and intense, from now on [b]you and your partner can take the same lift[/b] to exit the map, as you can see in the gif below: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39298344/8324531a9d12657e400399484b9b2681dcf4786e.gif[/img] So remember, Others: cover your [b]angles[/b], put your [b]traps[/b], and… [b]pray for the best[/b]. We can’t wait to hear from you duos players! Let us know [b]how you like this change[/b] on our official [url=]Discord[/url]! We’ll meet in the City, Citizens!