Patch Notes 1.4.8

Hell is Others

Hell is Others is an extraction top-down shooter combining roguelike elements. Outside the safety of your apartment lies the noir hellscape that is Century City. A city of endless night that straddles the line between reality and insanity. Explore, hunt, and loot in a place where blood is currency.

Hello Citizens! Today we update you on some recent fixes we’ve been working on, which should improve your quality of life and make your experience more fluid! Let's dive in. [list] [*] We are aware that some people still get stuck in the 'Connection in Progress' step. We care a lot about this problem. For this reason, we added some additional checks and logs in order to collect more information in case of such an event. If the problem persists, send us a message on the [b][url=]Hell Is Others' Discord![/url] [/b] [*] We solved a problem that caused a series of chain accidents! In short, a certain way of saving data created stumbling blocks, but from now on: [list] [*] You'll not be stuck in the "tutorial loop"; [*] Your hub changes remain even if you close the game immediately after; [*] The game will save the action you perform even in case of a sudden game closure. That also applies to the objects you consume: fungi, pills, food, etc.; [/list] [*] We also solved the bestiary navigation problem: now you can scroll up and down with W/S or arrows at the ends of the list. [*] We also made pickaxes visible again in the UI, which did not appear to some users when they accessed the basement without going through the editor. [*] Now you can place doors without risking being soft-locked until restart. [*] Now, leaving perishable food in the city store doesn’t trigger the "fridge" dialogue when Adam goes to sleep. [*] We fixed a small sound bug: now, running is the noisiest movement, and sneaking around is the least noisy. [*] There was a little problem with the Chateau Area, as some gold items also appeared outside Chateau Constant: now you have to explore the mansion again to get them. [*] We fixed the Neon Open Sign: from now on, it doesn't highlight when we place the mouse pointer on it. [*] We fixed the problem of the "No Exit" mission, which some players found duplicated. [/list] Don't forget to join our [b][url=]Discord server[/url][/b] to stay updated about the latest news. Until next time, Citizens!