[h1]Season 3: Frostborn Legacies, Chaos Week[/h1]
[h3]28th of January - Patch and Reset:[/h3]
[quote]In the midst of [b]Chaos[/b], there is also opportunity
~ Sun Tzu, Chinese general and strategist.[/quote]
Chaos week's first (and hopefully last) reset is upon us!
Patch will be live soon, and the gates will be closed for one hour as usual.
Here, read some patch notes in the mean time.
[h2]Patch notes:[/h2]
[*] Golden Qhickzichar now has a chance to drop a special mount chest with one of the new Qhickzichar mounts!
[*] Fixed missing Skorch Icon on the Leaderboards
[*] Fixed Bloodlust description on Spear Proficiency
[*] Fixed an issue where players would not gain additional damage from Blood stacks per highest stat.
[*] Monogram station will now show an error when players are lacking resources
[*] Fixed Fire damage bonus for Berserker Elemental Fury
[*] Starblades:
[*] Gain damage for every extra blade modifier has been reduced bonus for each extra blade from 150% to 100%
[*] Vortex:
[*] When Vortices collide they spawn thunderstorm modifier - Thunderstorm damage has been changed to deal 150% damage over 1.5s.
[*] Damage Multiplier increased from 61% to 67% (+6%).
[*] Lightning Totems
[*] Totems cast additional Bolt: Reduced the damage of additional bolts from 100% to 75%.
[*] Spark performance optimization - We've revamped the behavior of Spark to drastically improve performance.
[*] Damage Multiplier increased from 32% to 40% (+8%).
[*] Cooldown reduced by 0.2s
[*] Monogram: Gain 1% damage for every 20 stat increased to be every 25 stat.
[*] Corrected Toxicity mod that adds Projectile affinity
[h3]Bambi's Optimization Crusade[/h3]
Drastically improved performance of the following areas.
[*] Rain of Flames
[*] Discharge
[*] Skill tree
[*] Chain Lightning
[*] Spark
[*] Magery Auto Attack
[*] Vortex