Road forwards after the DEV break

TO4: Tactical Operations

Tactical Operations is a round based fast-action first-person shooter with classic controls. Built using the Unreal Engine 4 – Welcome to TO4!

Hello everyone, the end of March is upon us! We promised that after our long break (dec - march 2022) we would get back to you what the future of TO4 would be. We took our time to redefine our goal, our game and our team. Below you will find the first setup of the road forwards for our game. [h2]April 2022[/h2] [b]Game[/b] - Bring out a (quick) new patch with at least: - small tweaks and balancing spots on maps (Blister, Filth, Trainyard, Scope, RapidWaters, LockDown) - fixed the 'timed out' error on some servers by players (mostly with lower-end hardware) - Stop development on the current branch and prepare to migrate to a newer Unreal Engine [b]Discord[/b] - Redo the entire setup (restructuring channels to have a better overview) - We have deleted MatchPing and TwitchPing. We have now made 3 opt-in options: MatchPing, PublicPing and StreamPing. Information about this is in getting-started (👈🏼 check this channel!) - We will also stop using the Everyone and Here commands, instead we have: PatchPing, NewsPing en EventPing, this is also opt-in check the getting-started - Resetting roles and base structure of the roles - Preparing for upcoming TO4 stuff [b]Marketing[/b] - Bring more often news and announcements about the game - Rewrite the Steam page and specifications [h2]May - July 2022[/h2] [b]Game[/b] - Move from Unreal Engine 4.25.4 to 4.27.2 - Replace some legacy sub-systems of the game and redo parts of the code (for instance: server browser) - Better optimization options (and reducing install folder size) - Add anti-cheat - Fix bugs, tweak balance / movement in maps - Further tweak weapons, movement, other game elements - Redo and tweak User Interface elements in the game (menu's, overlay, etc) - Possible: better hostage models - Possible: Add bots - Possible: New weapon sounds - Possible: New maps [b]Discord and community[/b] - Discord used as main communication channel (bugtracker / forums will only be for internal testers) - Direct links to competitive ladders and news through Discord - Setup competitive ladder system (Team: Ukkie<3, Ncom.sax , Remus , L4UR3NS ... if you are interested, approach these people!) [b]Marketing[/b] - Directly approach streamers and reviewers with a more personal message to review our game Goal for this: reach players, but also let them explain the game mechanics better and more. So people start the game with knowledge. We have a few a these streamers in mind, but if you know any good streamers that could help us out here, let Ssswing` know on Discord! - Reach out to 1 or 2 video creators to create video content of the game (used on youtube / twitch / other marketing) - First spot is taken by @Daya*** ! - Get the competitive ladder up and running - Organise a tournament - Bring more often news and announcements about the game