New patch after 7 months of development

TO4: Tactical Operations

Tactical Operations is a round based fast-action first-person shooter with classic controls. Built using the Unreal Engine 4 – Welcome to TO4!

[h1]What is new?[/h1] A whole lot actually, and so much more than this list below. But we don't want a crazy list to read over, we want you to play the game. Below you can find the highlights of the new patch! [list] [*] The game now runs on Unreal Engine 4.25.4 [*] TO4 now has Steam Audio in place with all new sound effects. This system will still be tweaked as we go (sound effects, reverb, etc.). Most obvious is the better possibility to locate sound effects (weapons, footsteps, etc) throughout the map. [*] Tweaked and reworked player(s) movement and animations [*] New player models for Special Forces, Terrorists and Hostages. We can now also set the player skin per map to change. [*] Tweaked and balanced the weapon specifics (timings, damage, falloff, recoil, etc.) [*] New effects on the weapons and grenades (sounds, impacts and decals), overhauled the smoke nade effect. Physics on nades are on our list for a next patch. [*] Redid and added parts of the User Interface (better keybind inputs, detailed round stats overlay, new minimap, etc) [*] Added two 2on2 maps, three arena maps and five normal maps. We have also (performance) tweaked, balanced, fixed and overhauled on all the old maps. This alone is over 1.000 changes. [*] Rewrote and structured a lot of code in order to fix the core of the game for further updates on the engines, this also helped in gaining overall performance [/list]