Patch 21196

TO4: Tactical Operations

Tactical Operations is a round based fast-action first-person shooter with classic controls. Built using the Unreal Engine 4 – Welcome to TO4!

[h2]Fixed[/h2] [list] [*] "Wrong password" serverbrowser bug [/list] [h2]Weapons[/h2] [h3]Deagle[/h3] [list] [*] Decrease AimError: 0.97 -> 0.94 [/list] [h3]Vector[/h3] [list] [*] Increase AimError: 0.65 -> 0.75 [/list] [h3]MP5[/h3] [list] [*] Decrease AimError: 1.58 -> 1.47 [*] Decrease y-recoil: 0.161 -> 0.130 [*] Increase x-recoil: 0.013 -> 0.045 [*] Decrease interp. speed: 58.0 -> 45 [*] Increase random aim Error 0.22 -> 0.50 need feedback [/list] [h3]M9[/h3] [list] [*] Higher RPM: 286 -> 315 [*] Less "AimError": 2.2 -> 1.7 [*] Slower "Recoil Interpolate Speed": 60 -> 48 [*] Lower "AimError Interpolate increase Speed": 90 -> 65 [*] Higher "AimError Interpolate Recover Speed": 70 -> 85 [*] Increase "random AimError" 0.66 -> 0.90 [*] Decrease "x-recoil": 0.082 -> 0.090 [*] Increase "y-recoil": 0.820 -> 0.650 [/list] [h3]Glock[/h3] [list] [*] Less "AimError Burst": 2.2 -> 1.8 [*] Increase "random AimError": 0.80 -> 0.90 [*] Higher burst RPM: 815 -> 830 [*] Decrease "x-recoil": 0.100 -> 0.090 [*] Increase "y-recoil": 0.760 -> 0.670 [*] Slower "Recoil Interpolate Speed": 65 -> 60 [/list] [h3]590A1[/h3] [list] [*] Slightly more damage for hitting long distance shots [/list] [h3]M16[/h3] [list] [*] Burst RPM: 720 -> 740 [/list] [h2]Maps[/h2] [h3]MAP-Thunderball[/h3] [list] [*] Adding police radio sounds to police cars [*] New landscape [*] Fix graffity [*] More lighting on Sf base [*] Some little sound volume polish [/list] [h3]MAP-Escape[/h3] [list] [*] Fix Wall bug on midleehouse stair [*] Adding graffity [*] Trickjump a little harder on high roof [*] More roughness on coilwire surface [*] Increase the lighting on some spots [*] Some little changes on mid-way [/list] [h3]MAP-Arena-Shaolin[/h3] [list] [*] New lighting: edited sky(light), less shadow bugs, better visibility, a bit more FPS [/list] [h3]MAP-RapidWaters[/h3] [list] [*] Repositioned some spawn points for better balance (buffed SF spawns, but also T spawns in another way, feedback appreciated) [*] Easier jump from boxes to highbridge spot in T Base [*] Nade from highbridge T side to SF side not possible anymore (closed gap) [/list]