Patch 22267

TO4: Tactical Operations

Tactical Operations is a round based fast-action first-person shooter with classic controls. Built using the Unreal Engine 4 – Welcome to TO4!

[h2]UI[/h2] [h3]Settings Page[/h3] [list] [*] FOV slider works with absolute values 85-120° (instead of 0-100%) [/list] [h3]Game Overlay[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed dmg values in killed by info [*] Fix hide hud bind [/list] [h3]Server Page[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed overlapping of serverlist and buttom bar [*] Scrollable playerlist [/list] [h3]Main Menu [/h3] [list] [*] Design polish (overlapping pages with buttom bar) [/list] [h3]Buy Menu [/h3] [list] [*] Fixed closing with OpenBuyMenu bind [/list] [h2]Game Performance[/h2] [list] [*] Optimise tick utilisation (remove tick from various blueprint map actors, rework bp logic which does not need tick, apply bp -> c++ to even more actors) [*] Implement object pooling for weapon fx (ejected shell actor; bullet fx actor, in addition to particle system pooling) [*] Misc ini tweaks to improve performance for some configurations (don't expect much from those changes, it might reduce hitches, in comparisons it could improve FPS by a little for GPU bottleneck scenarios) [/list] [h2]Misc[/h2] [list] [*] Fix spectator join on listen server [*] Fix typo in player controller movement tooltip [/list]