Patch 20252

TO4: Tactical Operations

Tactical Operations is a round based fast-action first-person shooter with classic controls. Built using the Unreal Engine 4 – Welcome to TO4!

[h2]Changed[/h2] [list] [*] Removed official / community server filter [/list] [h2]Maps[/h2] [h3]MAP-Blister[/h3] [list] [*] Removed the crate that prevented climbing in the middle area, towards Terrorist tunnels (dizzorizor) [*] Fixed hole in the wall, near lower bombspot (ccKane) [*] Fixed annoying flickering effect (overlapping meshes) in SF spawn and terrorist base (cckane) [*] Removed the top of the little walls around trees (strange collision with players and nades) (remus) [*] Added fences on both low and high bombspot to prevent more nadespamming [*] Changed the tree in the middle. It are now 2 palms, giving less annoying blocking places and better overview (kummelmuck) [/list] [h3]MAP-Converge[/h3] IMPORTANT: this version of the map is still pretty early, it will get an overhaul over time. These changes are just to make it more fun to play and remove gamebreaking elements for now. [list] [*] Removed the fences around the pillar on right side SF base (near escape point) (cckane) [*] Enlarged openings and hallways in the building next to the hostage point [*] Removed annoying stuff that blocked movement on the floor [*] Replaced all tree meshes with decent looking ones (omfg) [*] Removed access to the Terrorist balcony in their base (pLum0) [*] Blocked the trickjump on the fences on rescue point (Riax) [*] Removed some crates in the middle building for smoother movement [*] Blocked the sniper spot on terrorist side, outside hostage hiding place, where you could shoot through the fences towards SF spawn [*] Enlarged the metal bars on the middle area (easy to shoot people from there or throw nades) - not ideal still (ccKane) [*] Smoothen the terrain near the stairs from middle into middle building [*] Removed the fences and poles in sniper lane, right side from SF (annoying and strange blockades for players) [*] No longer possible: shoot through boxes [/list] [h3]MAP-Scope[/h3] [list] [*] Added more grass and green feelings to the map (yes yes, i do listen to you guys) (alex333x) [*] Changed the road meshes in the map, new material with better asphalt and this new mesh prevents guns from falling through it (currently there are some shadow artifacts; will be fixed in the next patch) [*] Changed the window/glass material (there was an issue on linux machines with this) (pLum0) [*] Changed look of the 'RedHouse' (connector middle - silos) [*] Removed the wooden bars in the window of 'RedHouse' (connector middle - silos), still unpassible (kummelmuck) [*] Smoothen the terrain and rocks left side of bridge (SF side) (cckane) [*] Blocked trickjump on the entrance next to SF spawn on facility entrance (remus) [*] Reduced sound of Electric zoom on the Lights (1,0 > 0,7) (remus) [*] Closed 2 holes in the rockwall on Terorrist spawn (Riax) [*] Closed the gap on the railing on bridge SF side (koystikojo) [*] Closed the gaps under the silo's (koystikojo) [*] Redo complete silos [*] Thickend the walls of barracks A, this prevents playermodels, shadows and guns sticking through (wingah) [*] Removed the middle beam on upper facility (this was blocking the view) (wingah) [/list] [h3]MAP-Trainyard[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed the hole in the floor on balcony, overlooking the entrance towards Terrorist base (cckane) [*] Fully closed the door leading from middle onto Warehouse of bombspot A (cckane) [*] Removed the boards with numbers / logos that kept shining through the whole map (voodi) [*] Blocked the window frames in the middle area. When you jumped down towards the ladder tunnel, you could stand in them (Riax) [*] Blocked the window next to balcony bomspot B (wingah) [*] Set the gate to: crush (it will kill a player when he's under) and No Interrupt (even when it kills, it will finish the close/open) (cckane) [*] Replaced some meshes for better alignment, especially on the Slate from warehouse A [*] Gave bombspot B a little more lightning [/list] [h3]MAP-Filth[/h3] [list] [*] Replaced the trains [*] New interior gives better movement options then the previous one [*] Replaced the train tracks (some faulty stuff there ...) [*] Closed the gap between the escalator and the normal stairs on Bombspot B, also made the escalator somewhat wider for better movement (cckane) [*] Changed all blockvolumes to PawnBlocker only. So player can't go through, all other stuff can (kummelmuck) [*] Slightly smoothened the collision on all metal pillars in the map; better movement and more precise nade throwing [*] Added a stairs to SF starting point [*] Removed the boxes in the room next to ladder room (ground floor), they made it possible to climb very high and camp there [*] Blocked the access to the electrical installations in the room next to the ladder room (ground floor), you were able to climb the doors with this (kummelmuck) [*] Set all door frames to: 'Ignore Pawn', this way you can't jump and stand on them [*] Changed the railing from backway towards Bombspot B, for a more simple version. This way there is less 'random' bulletblocking in fights [*] Changed the glass material on the escalators to a metal material (cckane) [*] Redid entire Train material (less shiny) (cckane) [*] Blocked trickjump next to upper ladderroom (pLum0) [*] Adjusted traintracks (kummelmuck) [*] Adjusted escalators near bombspot B (lower) (AutiX) [*] Fixed material setting on impact glass trains (kummelmuck) [*] Added blocking volume for player movement in between trains bombspot B (tajfun & cckane) [*] Removed (random) bulletblocking fences on lower bombspot B and added solid walls (cckane) [/list] [h3]MAP-RapidWaters[/h3] [list] [*] Removed crate on the stack in front of Terrorist base. This spot was very overpowered to look into terrorist base (wingah) [*] Removed all the crates in the corner opposing the main entrance of Terrorist base, you could climb them and this gave an insane overpowered overview of the map (wingah) [*] Lowered the walls on Terrorist water entrance a bit more. Increased the lighting source there (3,0 > 5,0) with dynamic shadows on playermodel. Also gave the crates behind the spot a more white look. This all to increase the sight on this spot with opponents camping there (cckane) [*] Removed the possibility to stand on the lamp and ledge above water entrance SF side (pLum0) [*] Slightly increased the lighting in the basement area [*] Redid the water material a little bit, hope to make playermodels slightly harder to spot (koystikojo) [*] Replaced the highbridge open parts of the floor with closed ones (bonus effect: nades should behave better) (wingah) [*] Repositioned and transformed the postprocessvolume on the water surfaces. When underwater you will always have the underwater effect (remus) [*] Redid some parts of the terrain underwater, to prevent standing in the water (remus) [*] Repositioned some crates on the lower bridge (first cluster left from SF spawn), you can now walk besides them on the right side and the bridge (remus) [*] Increased lighting source in the corner of high bridge, overlooking lower bridge (5,0 > 8,0) [*] Added white paint on the walls on specific spots (high bridge sniper spot, terrorist side) to increase sight for players on the other end of the map (wingah) [*] Slightly increased light on the total of high bridge (wingah) [*] Reduced waterfall sound (0,25 > 0,18 on Volum multipler) [*] Reduced dripping sounds in basement (1,0 > 0,8 on Volume multipler) [*] Reduced river sound (0,15 > 0,12 on Volume multiplier) [*] Reduced the on Water PostProcessingVolumes Shadows Gain (1,5 > 1,2), and the shadow contrast (0.95 > 0,8) - better sight under water?) [*] Reduced the on General and Water PostProcessingVolumes Exposure Max (1,4 > 1,0) [/list] [h3]MAP-Drought[/h3] [list] [*] Lights in middle reworked [/list] [h3]MAP-Arena-LockDown[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed the mis aligned wall piece (and a few more) (cckane) [*] Changed light in the middle corridor from deep red to deep yellow (better sight) [*] Gave PostProcess Exposure a 0,8 (min) / 1,2 (max) value - slightly better sight on long distance [/list] [h3]MAP-Arena-preAIM[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed the missing impact effect on the floors (and also some glass) (wingah) [/list] [h3]MAP-Arena-KillThemAll[/h3] [list] [*] Higher ceiling on both bases [/list]