Precipice Update 2.4.0 (Brezhnev)


A game of diplomacy and war in the atomic age. Safeguard your closest allies and change unfavorable regimes without giving away your long-term ambitions. Every action risks an enemy reprisal, and if nobody backs down from a standoff, we all lose.

We've got some big news to share with you soon about Precipice, and in preparation for that, we're happy to roll out the Brezhnev Update. Note that this is a significant new update that is going to demand players revisit their old tried and true strategies. The biggest new addition is safeguarding and rigging democratic elections. You get the credit for this one. It was a great idea, and we couldn't bear to see it not implemented in your favorite Cold War diplomatic simulation. (insert bear pun of choice here) [b]RIG ELECTIONS[/b] Every ten years a "democratic" (we've been pretty generous here) country opens up a window of opportunity where an adjacent or present spy can flip the loyalties of a a country that slightly-favors your rival. This cannot be challenged by your rival, and costs 3 AP (but no resources). The window of opportunity is limited to two years, and then closes for another ten. [b]SAFEGUARD ELECTIONS[/b] For 2 AP you can protect a country's elections from being rigged, completely negating the effects of the action. This does not require a friendly spy to be deployed in the area. [u]Other Patch Notes[/u] [list] [*]Agents can no longer be deployed to a country at war. [*]Agents must leave a country when it goes to war. [*]Changes to the tutorial. [*]Glitch repaired when counterspying in Canada. [*]Updated match log with color coordination for allegiance changes. [*]Prevented a potential crash on game boot. [*]AI no longer counterspies the same country multiple times. [*]Additional MP stability enhancements. [/list]