Precipice 2.4.3 Update (Brezhnev)


A game of diplomacy and war in the atomic age. Safeguard your closest allies and change unfavorable regimes without giving away your long-term ambitions. Every action risks an enemy reprisal, and if nobody backs down from a standoff, we all lose.

Added more colors when using the elections lens to indicate how much time remains before the next election: [olist] [*] Red if 7 to 10 turns. [*] Orange if 4 to 6 turns. [*] Yellow if 1 to 3 turns. [*] Green, Elections are active. [/olist] Fixed elections countdown bar not hiding when switching between countries. Fixed USSR "Iron Curtain" perk to work as described. Adjusted Venezuelan leader's text bubble. Fixed empty country requirements in certain world events. Fixed agent bonus display not updating if perming action on adjacent country. Adjusted the quantity in country demands event to scale with the game's length. Send back stationed troops on country allegiance change. Added striped Victory Points to fix visibility/count issue. Added tooltip to hotseat button in main menu. Moved country particles behind icons/text for better visibility. Added option to enable/disable 2D Batching in game settings.