Precipice 2.4.1 (Brezhnev) HOTFIX


A game of diplomacy and war in the atomic age. Safeguard your closest allies and change unfavorable regimes without giving away your long-term ambitions. Every action risks an enemy reprisal, and if nobody backs down from a standoff, we all lose.

[u]Patch Notes[/u] [olist] [*] Fixed a crash in multiplayer. [*] Fixed being able to rig elections in neutral countries. [/olist] Also, if you are experiencing a crash as a result of this new patch, we've identified the issue which lies with the game engine. A solution is coming soon, but in the meantime we've put in place a very simple fix: [i]Exit the game using the "Exit" button in the main menu.[/i] That will trigger a needed repair.