Precipice Update 2.2.0 (Kennedy)


A game of diplomacy and war in the atomic age. Safeguard your closest allies and change unfavorable regimes without giving away your long-term ambitions. Every action risks an enemy reprisal, and if nobody backs down from a standoff, we all lose.

[list] [*] Fixed: Turkey not being in NATO on Land Rush. [*] Fixed: Not being able to select Venezuela during the Tutorial. [*] Civil unrest now increases at a faster rate. [*] AI made a little bolder -- less likely to back-down. [*] Players now can select the agent that is being deployed. Tutorial updated to explain this. [*] Bugfix: AI more willing to nuke the player than before. [*] Bugfix: Ability to win by your opponent being removed from power while attempting to launch WMDs upon your nation restored to the game. The likelihood of this event is known to your rival and is randomly generated to be between 0 and 35%. Players can choose to leverage this information however they please :-) [*] Single-player turn-limit now can be raised to 200 turns. [*] Added: Input of network address & opting-out of "pairing". This is for a small minority of users. Game settings are saved only after hosting/joining a match and they will be lost when the game closes. It is not suggested that players make this setting persistent due to some users having dynamic IPs. [/list]