Old World February 14th Updated Test Build

Old World

Old World is a revolutionary new historical strategy game where you lead your dynasty over generations of rule against rival kings and queens. Wage massive wars, manage your court, and build a dynasty — or watch your empire crumble to dust. What legacy will you leave behind?

The Old World test branch has been updated and is now version 1.0.70906 Test 02/14/2024 [h2]Design[/h2] [list] [*] Rider family import resource projects civics cost reduced from 40 to 20 [/list] [h2]Programming[/h2] [list] [*] AI economy improvements [*] Infos and validation refactor [*] Enabled parallel loading of Infos [*] Persistent text asset cache for internal mods [/list] [h2]UI[/h2] [list] [*] Improved Riders family helptext [*] Converted bug report screen to use TextTypes (for future localization) [*] Removed popup warning about losing progress when exiting a cloud game, as progress is automatically saved [/list] [h2]Bugs Fixed[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed bug that prevented units in their own territory from bumping other units out of the way [*] Fixed Portrait Editor behavior when a selected mod has no portraits [*] Fixed game load exception [*] Fixed for team color slider not working [*] Fixed unit religion not being preserved upon upgrade [*] Tab panel layout fixes [*] Fixed Heroes of the Aegean scenario 3 bug where the Control Thessaly cities goal did not complete if the final city was acquired peacefully [*] Premade maps with tiles that have no terrain now load and terrain is treated as out of bounds instead of causing map load to fail [*] Text and event fixes [/list]