New Year Bug Fixer upper!

We're back from the holiday break with a small catch bug fixing patch! Thanks to everyone who gave us time to report any issues. This week we're just fixing the bugs that came out of the woodwork over the past month. Next we will have some new features coming in! And here are the main ones! • fixed trade ships from not showing up • transit trade ships now save and load properly • fixed default blueprint layouts breaking pathfinding • fixed large vents from being too amazing that your engineers die from wonderment • fixed fuel processors from tricking you into giving it the wrong utility • fixed pirates flying and walking backwards • guards now go outside to attack pirates • fixed being able to toggle out of the starting scene by pressing Y • fixed cross dimensional player ships arriving from other save files • fixed negative refinery requests • lowered injury risk when mining • fixed a bug trying to restart the setup scene • fixed 4K and similar resolutions from crashing on startup Always feel free to drop by our discord community if you'd like to dialogue with us a bit more. We're back in full force, working off our holiday layer of blubber.