Our long awaited UI overhaul patch is here! This one took a bit longer to wrap up, however we're glad we did. Things are beginning to feel a lot cleaner than they were before.
But this isn't JUST a UI update, we've been taking a lot of feedback and re-designing a lot of older menus and panels to make the game more ergonomic and intuitive in general, to improve the overall quality and ease of playing, as well as preparing for our next batch of planned features.
Here's a little screenshot of our new dynamic title screen, mmmmmm.
[h1]So whats coming next?[/h1]
One of the large differences with the new UI is the Meeple panel. You can now view a lot more about each meeple and a lot easier. A long requested feature has been the ability for meeple to be more customisable, choosing your starting crew and having them improve and gain experience in the jobs you assign them. These are all in the works and coming soon in the future!
However, something we're actively working on for our next major patch is the addition of entities and other factions. We're adding on to the player ship construction mechanic and focusing on making interactions with traders more meaningful. (Yes, and pirates! They'll be coming back in full force, for those who have already witnessed the full force of pirate bombers and swarming invasions, you'll know what we're talking about)
We're currently working on a variety of ships for the player to create, as well as the ability to customise and color them.
Over the next few weeks our priority will be on fine tuning any UI we've missed and adding in factions, new ships and hopefully more which in turn will limit the infinite-super-monopoly stations some of you have been creating with our magically appearing cargo bustling trade ships.
All of this will be wrapped up in a bundle of new features.
Stay tuned! we're very excited about what's coming next! As always, feel free to drop into our [url=https://discordapp.com/invite/cE2uX6A]discord server[/url] and have a chat, say hi, or ask questions.