This week we've added a feature to be able to customise your starting crew when creating a new station. You can now balance advantageous traits or disadvantageous ones in order to add or sacrifice skills and attributes elsewhere.
Customising your Meeple has been a highly requested feature and we're glad to bring it into the game. It adds a lot of depth and a good amount of experimentation with your crew.
As we were testing we frequently got carried away trying out different skills and attributes and mixing them up with unique traits. For example, we found being able to add both the Chatterbox and Influential trait to an officer turned them into an abundant source of happiness as they flittered about the station talking everyone's ears off, much to their liking. But making sure they weren't extreme in any given attribute, so every crew member could find common ground and get along with them.
We're curious to see what other trait combinations might have strong benefits, or perhaps extreme pitfalls. Ever see an astrophobic Miner? Or a violent Guard? well if you haven't... now you can! (Even though you may not want to).
Along with this feature we've been flushing out as many bugs as we can and trying to focus on the overall polish of the game, after many large patches in the past few months we felt it was due, and will be focusing on bug fixes more intently the next week, before getting to work on our next major patch.
As always, feel free to stop by our [url=https://discord.gg/ZJdVu7z]discord community[/url] and say Hi! We love taking feedback and actively respond to any bugs or issues you might find!