May Bonus Update - Week #4+

3 Hit Blunders Bundle

.......... A collection of 80's retro inspired games ......... ....... Commodore64 / ZX 48K Spectrum/ Arcade ....... ... Ah 'ate those flockin birds - A 2d arcade shooter ... ... Retroa Retroa Builda - A 2d precision platformer ... ....... Slime? Climb? - A 2d puzzle block climber .........

[b]LIVE NOW - May Bonus Update - Week #4+[/b] [u][b]RETROA RETROA BUILDA[/b][/u] [list] [*]Added Jump-through/Background blocks, for making fake exits maybe. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44225604/bb0408c0ab26561cfc182e86173c0f60578dec6a.gif[/img] [*]Added 30 new enemy sprites. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44225604/1f86136c5d670cfd9283c136a40d0c19d6fed154.gif[/img] [list] [*] Oops! who's missing... It's me the Bat, man. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44225604/15388b02b2b9f9b78489fb3be5dd80c093e3b1cd.gif[/img] [/list] [*] Added 3 extra collect items. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44225604/f756390780d09d632f41d5274b081f70fe7b0417.gif[/img] [*]Added completed set of 20 game levels. All tested and tweaked to work with modern controls. [list] [/list] [*] Current stage of progress on Game/Bonus/Secret Levels. [list] [*] Game Levels: [olist] [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [*] Finalized/Updated to game. [/olist] [*] Bonus Levels: [olist] [*] Designing/Reworking [*] Designing/Reworking [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Testing [*] Testing [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Testing [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Designing [/olist] [*] Secret levels: [olist] [*] Testing [*] Testing [*] Testing [*] Designing [*] Testing [*] Designing [*] Testing [*] Testing [*] Designing [*] Testing [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Testing [*] Designing [*] Designing [*] Testing [*] Testing [/olist] [/list] [/list] I will keep this list updated, as the progress on the levels changes, towards finalising. I will work through the levels at Final testing/testing stage first to get them finalised. I will add the levels to the game when they have been fully tested and all 20 levels in group (Game/Bonus/Secret) are finalised. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44225604/bd96de00900c280651b77ac71656d49329a4ccab.png[/img] Thank you for your time, and thank you very much for your patience.