June Update - Week #4

3 Hit Blunders Bundle

.......... A collection of 80's retro inspired games ......... ....... Commodore64 / ZX 48K Spectrum/ Arcade ....... ... Ah 'ate those flockin birds - A 2d arcade shooter ... ... Retroa Retroa Builda - A 2d precision platformer ... ....... Slime? Climb? - A 2d puzzle block climber .........

[b]LIVE NOW - June Update - Week #4[/b] [u][b]Slime? Climb?[/b][/u] [list] [*] Finalized the 10 Puzzle challenge levels. [*] Sorted a problem that was not resetting the score, after getting through all the challenge levels. [*] Made the challenge level bonus text, display the detail tips level score multiplier. [*] Reformatted the detail tips text. [/list] [b]PLEASE NOTE![/b] Although you can play through all the challenge levels, at the moment the game just abruptly returns to the menu screen. I will include a proper completion screen, coming soon. As for the total number of levels included in the bundle, I've decided to leave them at ( 20 game levels - Retroa Retroa Builda, 10 simple challenge levels / 10 puzzle challenge levels - Slime? Climb? ) for now. To change focus to working on getting the workload listed below implemented and working properly. I aim to hopefully get the bundle to full retail within the next 2-4 months. So may have to add the ( 20 Bonus levels / 20 Secret levels - Retroa Retroa Builda, 10 extra simple challenge levels / 10 extra puzzle challenge levels - Slime? Climb? ). After full launch, we'll see how it goes. Wish me luck! [b][u]Ah 'ate those flockin birds[/u][/b] [list] [*] Add background to game when playing. [*] Sort the font on options screen. [*] Sort the multiplier swap sound not playing. [*] Sort the humming bird kill not destroying bullet. [/list] [b][u]Retroa Retroa Builda[/u][/b] [list] [*] Create music, 5 tracks selectable on title screen. [*] Sort the keyboard keys 7/7.5 playing reverb note. [*] Add different varieties of all selectable blocks. i.e. conveyors, crumbling, background blocks. [*] Make it so default levels don't get added to the list of random/continuous/User levels. [/list] [b][u]Slime? Climb?[/u][/b] [list] [*] Tidy up NPC animations. [*] Sort Saving of Set Levels current NPC's Male/Female and NPC level. [*] Simplify or fully animate the cape NPC is wearing. [*] Reposition help/ouch to line up to NPC same as health bar. [*] Flesh out some of the synergising of the Assist blocks. [*] Sort the complete rows activating after two block drops. [*] Add extra ways of detecting exit access. [*] Add extra ways of detecting when NPC's are trapped. [*] Add bridge to movement collision detection. [*] Reset the sprite when NPC dropping into lift. [*] Include check to see if exits are hidden, then increase drop assists. [*] Implement game options. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44225604/bd96de00900c280651b77ac71656d49329a4ccab.png[/img] Thank you for your time, and thank you very much for your patience.