March Update - Week #1

3 Hit Blunders Bundle

.......... A collection of 80's retro inspired games ......... ....... Commodore64 / ZX 48K Spectrum/ Arcade ....... ... Ah 'ate those flockin birds - A 2d arcade shooter ... ... Retroa Retroa Builda - A 2d precision platformer ... ....... Slime? Climb? - A 2d puzzle block climber .........

[b]LIVE NOW - March Update - Week #1[/b] [u][b]Retroa Retroa Builda[/b][/u] [list] [*]Sorted a problem with the player grabbing onto ledges after dropping down and changing direction quickly. Although he still sometimes looks like he's grabbing onto nothing, i.e. I think he might sometimes grab water. [*]Sorted a problem with the player getting stuck when a solid block was in the way when grabbing jump through blocks. Doing this has stopped the tap and drop/grab mechanic from working, I'll decide if its fine without it, if not, I'll try and find a work around. [*]Tweaked the jump and grab ledge mechanics so they work the same in each direction. I was finding it more difficult to pull off jump and grabbing to the right. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44225604/587f149531645b805db6003f326f35be1122668d.gif[/img] [*]I don't know about you, but I was finding jumping the log on the ice, very difficult. Well not anymore, I've added auto jump over solid block ice ramp. Just slide and let go. He'll do the rest. But remember, holding the direction of movement will stop him from jumping, and that darn log, will win again. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44225604/8bd8ea21296503a120ffd6f4a2d1fcba7d1d4d97.gif[/img] [*]Added more solid blocks, giving you the ability to make small planets maybe. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44225604/84d63678bc6893dcb635eebf9da67dc1337346bb.png[/img] [/list] [b]LOCKED LEVEL - WORK PROGRESS:[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44225604/7b77d76dcde66c35eae083defccb5bde185d60fd.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44225604/57ee29041b48811814c87bcc8368b1ac1b47183e.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44225604/08f53d2d0002db008576b9ad8d1bd92bdb7b81dd.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44225604/00fc8701fb7273d7c272296965712eadf6ae0e54.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44225604/547ed64b1cc2740fcff56ed11ef411f09b65f69a.png[/img] Please Note! These levels are work in progress and not final, some sprites are temporary placeholders. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44225604/bd96de00900c280651b77ac71656d49329a4ccab.png[/img] Thank you for your time, and thank you very much for your patience.