Hexarchy Beta 0.759


A fast-paced strategy game, which takes the weighty decisions of a 4X and stuffs them into an action-packed 60 minutes. Build a deck capable of founding civilizations which can develop economies, research new technologies and conquer all before you. Single-player and online multiplayer.

[h3]Misc[/h3] [list] [*] Added visual range indicator when using abilities that have area effects (eg Monument, Pyramids) [*] Unity game engine update [*] Various multiplayer server configuration changes [*] Added QQ link to title screen if language is Chinese (Simplified) [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Changes to address issue where players that choose random could steal a preferred civ from a player [*] Fixed issue where searching for a multiplayer game would repeatedly take you back to the main title screen [*] Fixed issue were portion of multiplayer find game panel would clip onto other title screen menus [*] Fixed issue where "Chance to get a Victory Point" text was not correctly localized [/list]