Hexarchy 1.0.817 - Introducing Singleplayer save feature


A fast-paced strategy game, which takes the weighty decisions of a 4X and stuffs them into an action-packed 60 minutes. Build a deck capable of founding civilizations which can develop economies, research new technologies and conquer all before you. Single-player and online multiplayer.

Hi all. It’s been thrilling to see so many people playing and enjoying Hexarchy since launch. It’s been brilliant seeing a huge number of people connect with the game, and enjoying fast-paced 4X sessions either solo or in online multiplayer. We’ve read everything you’ve sent us. And whilst the positives have been overwhelming, it’s those of you who have taken time to offer constructive feedback which we’ve really appreciated. The team has been working incredibly hard to respond to everything that’s been suggested – and we’re delighted to unveil our latest update which hopefully addresses some of the most common observations. By far the biggest request has been to introduce the option to save a game during a single-player session. There were some technical challenges behind the scenes which had originally made this a pretty complicated feature – but we’re really pleased to say that from this update onwards, players will be able to return to a game mid-session. There are some caveats: the game only saves between turns, you can only have one save game activate at any time, and you will be unable to continue a Challenge or Hegemon game if the time to complete has passed. But hopefully this offers players a way to enjoy the single-player game with a little more freedom. One additional note of caution: we can’t guarantee saves will be compatible between versions, so you may need to roll back to complete a game in progress occasionally. We’ll do our best to keep that to a minimum. As you would expect: online multiplayer is a little different – all players need to be on the same version, and you can’t save mid-session. We’re working hard to ensure you have a reason to return to the game over and over, and will confirm what’s next for Hexarchy shortly. But until then, please do read the full patch notes below – and happy hexing! [h3][b]Hexarchy 1.0.817 – Patch Notes[/b][/h3] Note: Multiplayer games require all players to be on the same game version [h3][b]Single-Player Saves[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Single-player games automatically save after each turn (Skirmish, Hegemon, Daily Challenge, Weekly Campaign, Starter Campaign) [*] Starting a new single-player game will delete your current save [*] Game updates may invalidate old saves [*] Challenge and Hegemon saves cannot be resumed after the challenge or Hegemon round has expired [/list] [h3][b]Misc[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Snoozing the "Players are Looking for a Game" notification now disables it for 4 hours unless you manually turn it back on in settings [*] Custom multiplayer lobby setup shows the max number of players with the current settings [*] Rage Quit button removed [*] Max points for challenge levels reduced from 250 to 200 [*] New terrain art for your selected hex [*] New Divine Favor and Divine Decree sounds [*] Game UI no longer interactable while tech tree is open [*] Reduced AI difficulty on Easy [*] Tutorial tweaks [*] Localization updates [*] Rage Quit button added back in [/list] [h3][b]Fixes[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where occasionally your card choices would not appear when playing a tech card [*] Fixed an issue where the card you're playing could disappear when clicking a "We Love You" heart [*] Fixed an issue that caused CPU usage to spike when a single-player game ended [*] Removed special burn card dissolve effect that may have been causing a crash on some systems [*] Fixed an issue where Divine Decree and Invest could not be played if you stored them and then unstored them in the same turn [*] Fixed an issue where the text for the "Arrow Key Scrolling" toggle would sometimes show up as a second "Edge Scrolling" toggle [/list]