Hexarchy Beta 0.753


A fast-paced strategy game, which takes the weighty decisions of a 4X and stuffs them into an action-packed 60 minutes. Build a deck capable of founding civilizations which can develop economies, research new technologies and conquer all before you. Single-player and online multiplayer.

[h3]Misc[/h3] [list] [*] Can use Steam friend UI to join game custom lobbies [*] Difficulty for existing levels reduced, new "Hardest" difficulty level added [*] Performance improvements [*] Localization updates [*] Backend matchmaking changes [*] Game server networking changes [*] Added tips for burning cards [*] New music tracks [*] New card art [*] Can hide game code for custom game lobbies [*] Added notification to player if network issues detected [*] Hotkeys for Burn and Save card now always show [*] UI tweaks to reduce accidental card plays [/list] [h3]Balance[/h3] [list] [*] Pillaging a city now gives 4 victory points [*] Pillaging a city no longer destroys nearby Holy Sites [*] Fort now reduces damage taken while attacking or defending on the hex by 50% [*] Farm food yield bonus increased to 3 [*] Legionnaire - player now immediately draws a promotion card when built [*] Jaguar - strength increased [*] Mamluk - strength increased and moved one tech tier later [*] Arabia Trade Hub - now gives 3 gold [*] Cossack hammer cost increased [*] Imperial Guard hammer cost increased [*] Bread and Circus happiness increased to 75%. Hammer cost increased [*] Zero damage attacks no longer can be used to trigger a flank attack [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where a player that selected Random might end up with your chosen civilization in multiplayer [*] Fixed an issue where famine multiple turns in a row wouldn't remove population [*] Catapult and cannon move sound volume reduced [*] Fixed issue where target hex arrow would stay active while picking which unit on a hex to target [*] Fixed issue where Arabia's Trade Hub would not always add at least 3 resources for trade [*] Hut and Holy Site notification icon fixes [*] Fixed an issue where captured cities could show maintenance that could not be paid [*] Fixed an issue where East India Company would sometimes not give enough hexes [*] Fixed an issue where collected huts would block improvements from being built on that hex this turn [/list]