Hexarchy 1.0 - Launch Ready


A fast-paced strategy game, which takes the weighty decisions of a 4X and stuffs them into an action-packed 60 minutes. Build a deck capable of founding civilizations which can develop economies, research new technologies and conquer all before you. Single-player and online multiplayer.

[h3]Misc[/h3] [list] [*] Many localization fixes [*] Fewer mountains in map generation [*] Player start balance adjustments [*] Destroy card button disabled in Tutorial Level 1 [*] Tutorial AI adjustments [*] All Challenge and Hegemon objectives can alternatively be completed by getting to 250 points [*] Catapults and Cannons can no longer capture other Catapults and Cannons [*] Adjustments to how AI uses Berserker and Charge cards [*] Divine Decree now also immediately gives 1 Happiness [/list] [h3]Rewards / Cosmetics[/h3] [list] [*] All unit avatars in Player Explorer now have a pet [*] Added earnable Lion, Pig, and Goat pets [*] Added badge achievement rewards [*] Added Kickstarter card backs [*] Added Kickstarter backers to credits [*] New achievement for reaching Legendary Hegemon contribution status even if your civilization doesn't win [/list] [h3]UI[/h3] [list] [*] New tooltip graphics [*] Progress screen can filter on earned / unearned achievements [*] France color adjusted [*] New card art [*] Score breakdown visual changes [*] Lots of widget arrangement tweaks [*] New AI bot icons with bot names [*] Added help button that shows a simple overlay on the UI explaining some key points [*] Added links to Wiki [*] Announce on Discord setting for custom games is remembered between matches [*] Added option to disable arrow key scrolling. This should address issues where other control devices were causing scrolling [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where mounted units could receive terrain defense bonuses [*] Fixed an issue where the "x2" labels would not update when buying a resource off the market [*] Fixed an issue with canceling multiplayer game join requests [*] Ranked multiplayer games should never start with only 1 player [*] Fixed issues related to dead citizens from a pillaged city [*] Fixed an issue causing stuck draw card events [*] Paragon achievement should now work correctly [*] Fixed an issue where sometimes cards would go back towards your hand as they dissolve [*] Fixed an issue where dead units could be shown as alive after the game ends [*] Fixed an issue where AI settlers would sometimes show up in the wrong spot when building a city [*] Fixed an issue where title screen news could pop up on top of other screens [*] Fixed issues related to navigating away from campaign screen while it animates [*] Fixed an issue where a destroyed card could still be shown in your hand [*] Fixed issues related rapidly turning the resource overlay on and off [*] Fixed issues with player lobby widget when over 8 players are in the lobby [*] Fixed an issue where the attack cursor would briefly show when canceling a move order [*] Fixed an issue where the inventory panel could quickly change size when dropping resources on a city [*] Fixed an issue where level 2 and 3 of the tutorial would be the same if you play them again [/list]