The Forbidden Arts is an old-school action adventure platformer with a focus on discovery and exploration. You play as Phoenix, a young boy who seeks to master the element of fire in a grand adventure of ancient magic.
First thing's first: Happy New Year! We sincerely hope the best for each and every one of you in 2019. And guess what is coming in 2019... The full release of The Forbidden Arts! More news on that to come in a bit.
Version is live! Experience the latest and greatest version of The Forbidden Arts, which adds a bit of polish and enhancement to various parts of the game. Here's a list of what's new in version
- Updated Post Processing Effects
- Improved ambient occlusion
- Modified the ambiance, lighting, and color grading in every scene of the game
- Fixed a rare bug related to an enemy freezing when playing a stunned animation
- Modified enemy AI for the Bandit in Temple of Spirit
- Updated texture map and details for the Chiromancer
- Improved player ledge hang detection and accuracy
- Cleaned up the music track for Elia's theme song
- Modified the player's stun animation logic
- Various visual improvements to Elia's background story cutscene
- New environment for the Necromancer scene of Elia's background story cutscene
- Modified Geomancer scene in intro cutscene
- Improved the magic FX in Elia's background story cutscene for the Aeromancer, Chiromancer and Necromancer
- Revised music for Enchantress Boss Fight
- Revised music for Korrath Woods
- Fixed a bug in French that improperly displayed the date and time of a save file in the load game menu
- Improved camera controls on the world map
- Various bug fixes and minor improvements
We've been very hard at work on rewriting the game's save system. The updated save system is not included in this version of the game, but will likely make it into the next version. It's lightning fast! I mean fast! As we were preparing for console ports we knew the game would need a better and faster save system and we're nearly complete. We now need to do a ton of testing. Don't worry, we're also working hard to make sure your save data will transfer smoothly to the new and improved system.
Last month we stated a Spring 2019 release was in order for the full game. It looks like we're going to shoot for Summer 2019. There is simply a bit more polish we want to add to the game, and we want to release the full game simultaneously on all platforms, so a tremendous amount of testing needs to be done on each platform to ensure the game works great and plays smoothly. We can confirm our target platforms for the full release are Steam/Windows 10 (PC), XBox One, Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch. A Mac/Linux version may not make it into the initial release, but we're still planning to release on those platforms at some point via Steam.
We are still planning to improve a lot of the game as we continue to port to consoles. We have plans to do a lot of texture improvements, and continued level modifications. The game is in a very stable point in development, but there's still room for polish and we're going to keep at it.
Early Access has, and always will be about improving the game to us. We are very glad to have entered the game into Early Access, as it's improved tremendously over the past year. We thank everyone who has submitted feedback, whether direct, or indirect, we read and watch everything and have done all we possibly can to improve the game to the best of our abilities.
The next update you can likely expect more polish across the board, support for Japanese localization, and the new and improved save system!
If you are enjoying the game, we'd love to see a nice review, but don't feel obligated :) We appreciate criticism, but nothing is more powerful and motivating than positive feedback.
Thank you for your support and interest in The Forbidden Arts. If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out. We will always do our best to respond in a timely manner.
-Sterling & Stingbot Games