Blackthorn Arena Oct 24th Hotfix!(Stuck fixed!!)

Blackthorn Arena

Blackthorn Arena is a strategy/management sim with a real-time/turn based combat system, set in a world of mythical monsters and classic fantasy races. Play as the master of Blackthorn Arena, train your slaves into gladiators, forge them into your champions, and send them to fight for your glory!

[h1][b]Blackthorn Arena Oct 24th:[/b][/h1] [h2][b]Bug Fixed:[/b][/h2] [h3][b]1. Fixed the problem that some players could not enter the game normally. (Finally!!!!)[/b][/h3] 2. Fixed bug that players' quest log of "new game" could not been succeesfully updated after uploading archive in Gurtus' Shrine. 3. Fixed the problem when dragging a group of multiple materials / consumables as a competition reward, the stack of materials changed to 1 after cancellation or after the game was settled. Now only one material / consumable can be dragged to the spoils of the game at a time, and the remaining stacks will be returned to the player's inventory. Dear players of the Blackthorn arena, we are truly sorry that there has been no major update recently. The studio has experienced some changes recently and has a very important plan to be busy with : First of all, our main programmer left last month for some reason. In the past month, we have been working on the handover of new programmers, unable to promote the project. This is the irresistible reason for our recent slow update. Secondly, considering the situation and development of the studio, we have a very important task in the near future, that is to produce a demo of our new project(Game). In the last month or so, we spent most of our time on the demo of the new project. Maybe some players will be concerned about what the new project looks like. We will release our new work around mid November and it would be up on steam store page during that time. Here we can give you a few preview of our new coming project: 1. The new project is an RPG game with rich plot, free pair and explorable content. [img][/img] 2. The new project will be closely related to the Blackthorn arena. They will use the same world background, the same set of combat and role systems. You can think of this new project as a stand-alone (huge, independent) expansion pack of the Blackthorn Arena! [img][/img] 3. The new project will be charged independently, but all players who own Blackthorn Arena will enjoy a desent discount. In addition,we feel that the large-scale update that we planned to release in November will also be postponed to December due to some accident. But we will update the content this time. [b]Major updates in December will include, but are not limited to, the following:[/b] 1. Turn based combat mode. 2. New skills and genres based on Samurai and Ninja. 3. A new branch plot 4. A new legendary set and serval Samurai armors. 5. New legendary weapons.