Blackthorn Arena Dec 18th Hotfix!

Blackthorn Arena

Blackthorn Arena is a strategy/management sim with a real-time/turn based combat system, set in a world of mythical monsters and classic fantasy races. Play as the master of Blackthorn Arena, train your slaves into gladiators, forge them into your champions, and send them to fight for your glory!

[h1][b]Blackthorn Arena Dec 18th Hotfix![/b][/h1] 1) Fixed a bug where a few players could not enter the game normally. (Stuck at Getting Game ready) [h3][b]Players need to delete Config file manually! ( config file located in Disk C- User - Your Username - Appdata - Locallow - Personaegame - Blackthorn Arena[/b][/h3] Dear Blackthorn Arena Players: Based on our information, this bug is caused by the language of windows system. We could not guarantee this patch would fix every language. Please leave a comment below to inform us if it has been fixed, if not, please tell us what language your system use. Thank you very much. P. S: Our Major update will be out later this month!!!