Blackthorn Arena Dec 29th Hotfix!

Blackthorn Arena

Blackthorn Arena is a strategy/management sim with a real-time/turn based combat system, set in a world of mythical monsters and classic fantasy races. Play as the master of Blackthorn Arena, train your slaves into gladiators, forge them into your champions, and send them to fight for your glory!

[h1][b]Blackthorn Arena Dec 29th Hotfix:[/b][/h1] [h2][b]Bug Fixed:[/b][/h2] [h3][b]Turn-Based Mode:[/b][/h3] 1) A 15 second time limit is added to NPC's turn to prevent NPC's action from Stucking in various situations. 2) Fixed several bugs that would get stuck during the side mission. 3) Fixed a bug that could stuck the game while players pause the game during enemy's turn. 4) Fixed the bug that NPC would not cast any skills in turn-based mode. 5) Fixed the bug that skill tips, action power consumption are displayed incorrectly. 6) Fixed the bug that knockback skills would cause turn based battles to end. [h3][b]Other:[/b][/h3] 1) Fixed the bug that the monster's corpse would block the player's character. 2) Fixed the descripiton display bug that related to the Ronin Camp's letters 3) Fixed the description display error related to Freeman challenge event. [b]Improvement:[/b] Turn mode: 1) Players will now receive a hint/prompt that says" Stamina is not enough" if characters do not have enough energy to proform a attack We apologize that due to the lack of programmers in this update, the turn-based system is imperfect, which brings such a bad experience to players. It's also a pity that we could not bring our DLC to you on time due to the unexpected reason caused by steam. We strive to release the DLC within this week. At the same time, we will update a patch again this weekend to fix the bug in turn-based mode and excessive memory consumption of the game. In addition, we will update another set of legendary armor and a legendary weapon to DLC this weekend to express our sincerely apology. Finally, thank you for all your support and love.We apologize again that we are always not prepared enough, but we will try our best to resolve problems and learn from failures in the future.