Blackthorn Arena January 9th Update

Blackthorn Arena

Blackthorn Arena is a strategy/management sim with a real-time/turn based combat system, set in a world of mythical monsters and classic fantasy races. Play as the master of Blackthorn Arena, train your slaves into gladiators, forge them into your champions, and send them to fight for your glory!

[h1][b]Blackthorn Arena January 9th Update Patch:[/b][/h1] [h2][b] BUG FIXES (including other updates during the week).[/b][/h2] [h3][b]Turn-based mode.[/b][/h3] 1) Fixed the bug that occasionally the "Turn order" was not displayed. [h3][b]General:[/b][/h3] 1) Fixed the bug that pausing the game at the end of a match would get stuck. 2) Fixed the bug that the player's character would be lost after the "Freeman challenge" . 3) Fixed the bug that the special effect description of the legendary katana "Narukami" is not displayed properly. 4) Fixed the bug that the ninja's concealed weapon's shader was lost. 5) Fixed the bug that the smoke effect of Ninja Smoke Pill was displayed incorrectly. 6) Fixed the bug that when dragging and dropping to buy a group of multiple items only cost the price of one item and the number of items in the market would not reduced correctly. 7) Fixed the display errors of some text. [h2][b]Improvements.[/b][/h2] [h3][b]General:[/b][/h3] 1) Added an "Go Directly" button to the market screen where Players could click this button and go the market directly from the Blackthorn Arena. 2) Now Players can browse the slaves in the market directly in Blackthorn Arena. 3) The Market now has a quantity selection prompt for buying and selling a group of multiple items [h3][b]Turn-based Mode:[/b][/h3] 1) Improved some action hints in turn-based system. 2) Now the skills in the shortcut bar will be shown as unavailable when the AP (action power) is not enough. 3) In turn-based mode, restoring life and stamina during the end of a turn would be now displayed. 4) Players can now end their turns in the following three ways : - End Turn End the current character's action turn. Up to 50% of the remaining action points will be saved for the next turn. - Rest Ends the current character's action turn and enters a rest state. Increases the health and stamina point restore amount at the end of the turn by a percentage equal to the percentage of action points remaining. - Defense Ends the current character's action turn and enters a rest state. Increases the health and stamina point restore amount at the end of the turn by a percentage equal to the percentage of action points remaining. [h2][b]Balance adjustment.[/b][/h2] 1) Two champions from Ronin Camp will now regularly participate in the Trials of Gortus held at the Gortus' Shrine. (Gods of War DLC Required) 2) Now the temple of Issel and the Ronin Camp will both participate in the " Grand Game"