2.3.1 Update

Novus Orbis

A combo-based deckbuilding roguelike through a space-time loop: collect cards, receive blessings, add pets to your party, and grow stronger. Chain together cards in the right order for max power, and act before the enemy does. Build synergistic decks, find many secrets, and make BIG numbers!

Getting closer to the Deckbuilder Fest I decided it's worth it to work a little more on some things that may make the game more appealing. That's why I'm introducing a [b]score screen[/b] you'll see when winning or losing. The actual numbers and values, and how they're calculated may change in the future. As always, let me know if you find anything weird! On top of that, I decided that I needed to change/expand the Mage class a little. I realized that having access to all elements at any time would make players focus only on some specific cards and completely ignore others. So, I'm introducing the Grimoire (equipment) set: [list] [*] Inferno Grimoire [*] Magma Grimoire [*] Oasis Grimoire [*] Tempest Grimoire [*] Whirlpool Grimoire [*] Quintessence Grimoire [/list] The first 5 are dual elements, while the last one has all elements. Now, you will find cards of a certain element ONLY if you own a Grimoire that contains that element. This new mechanic may need some reworking and balance, but so far I like it! Together with that, I also changed the starting deck for the Mage. I feel like the game is extremely imbalanced right now, when it comes to comparing the two classes. Not much a matter of being easy or difficult, but I feel that the Mage requires way more planning and thought, and in general fights last way longer. Which is not 100% a bad thing, but I think I want the Warrior to get a little closer to the mage, at least when it comes to the first 2 levels. As a final addition for this update, now the achievement for winning the 4th level, as well as the one for The Maker, are split between the Warrior and Mage.