2.2.9 Update - New Blessings!

Novus Orbis

A combo-based deckbuilding roguelike through a space-time loop: collect cards, receive blessings, add pets to your party, and grow stronger. Chain together cards in the right order for max power, and act before the enemy does. Build synergistic decks, find many secrets, and make BIG numbers!

Long time no update! In the past few weeks, aside from a few bug fixes, I've been working on new promotional material (new trailer and screenshots), as well as preparing for a Kickstarter campaign. I still don't have a date for it, but it will be sometime in March. There will also be the Deckbuilder Fest on Steam, so I think it will be a good opportunity to make the two things overlap. But for too long a time without making anything IN the game was starting to feel odd, so I decided to make a bunch of new blessings. Aside from the innate ones, I haven't made new blessings in a VERY long time. And I was starting to feel that they weren't enough for the demo, especially the uncommon ones. Speaking of which, do you know blessings are in four different pools? [list] [*][b]Common[/b]: You find these in Blessing rooms, as well as drops from Mini-Bosses. [*][b]Great[/b]: These are the ones you can buy at the shop, and they also drop from the [b]optional[/b] bosses. This pool is also used by The Enigma. [*][b]Boss[/b]: These drop from bosses at the end of each level. Right now that's the only instance where you need to choose one out of two. This pool of Blessings is designed to have a very good effect as well as a negative one. [*][b]Flame[/b]: A small pool of blessings that you can only obtain from the firepit. Extremely strong, with the downside that you have to give five cards to the firepit (and be damaged in the process). [/list] Here is a list of the newly added blessings: [b]Common[/b]: [list] [*] Pleasant Breeze [*] Renunciation [*] Guardian [*] Lethargy [/list] [b]Great[/b]: [list] [*] Hard Bones [*] Nothingness [/list] [b]Boss[/b]: [list] [*] Risk Of Pain [/list] [b]Flame[/b]: [list] [*] Yellow Flame [/list] With this, we go up to 59 Blessings in the demo! One more thing I've been working on these past weeks is, mostly on paper, a plan for how the world map will work. I think I've managed to make something nice! I'll be working on a visual representation of the map in the next few days.