2.2.8 Update - Small Visual and UI Changes

Novus Orbis

A combo-based deckbuilding roguelike through a space-time loop: collect cards, receive blessings, add pets to your party, and grow stronger. Chain together cards in the right order for max power, and act before the enemy does. Build synergistic decks, find many secrets, and make BIG numbers!

Since I needed to make better screenshots and trailer, to reflect how the game looks now (in preparation for the Kickstarter campaign), I decided to make a few more visual adjustments to make the game a little more appealing. With that, a few balance changes. [b]Misc:[/b] [list] [*] Fifteen's attack boost when having "All for One" Blessing decreased to x3. [*] Made a better death fade out animation for enemies and player. [*] Combo colors have been changed. Now they start from a light gray at zero, going through shades of yellow, orange and red. I don't think players were basing their combo choices on the color they're seeing, and having such different and contrasting colors may have been a source of confusion for some players. [*] Various UI small changes. [/list] [b]Enemies:[/b] [list] [*] Pond's Monarch now drops only one of its two special cards, at random. [/list]