2.3.7 Update

Novus Orbis

A combo-based deckbuilding roguelike through a space-time loop: collect cards, receive blessings, add pets to your party, and grow stronger. Chain together cards in the right order for max power, and act before the enemy does. Build synergistic decks, find many secrets, and make BIG numbers!

While I wasn't planning on updating the demo anymore, I realized there were a few issues/things that needed to be addressed. No new content here, but a few changes and additions that should make everyone's experience a little more enjoyable. [list] [*] Some cards now contain keywords instead of whole sentences (like AOE instead of "to all enemies", with relative tooltip). [*] Added a new setting to make cards and tooltips bigger, especially useful on smaller devices like Steam Deck. [*] French language added (as well as placeholder flags for future languages). [*] Settings are now saved between sessions. [*] Added cloud saves support. [*] Added a button that can be used to take you out of softlock (it may or may not solve your issue depending on the cause). [*] You can now access the menu using the Esc keyboard key. [/list] I will probably add more languages, hopefully before Steam Next Fest in June. A reminder that I will give Kickstarter a second try in June, around the same time as Next Fest (haven't decided on a specific day yet). Follow the project here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/seizogames/novus-orbis-0 As always, thank you very much for the support!