2.2.2 Update - Improved Mage Mechanics - More cards - Balance

Novus Orbis

A combo-based deckbuilding roguelike through a space-time loop: collect cards, receive blessings, add pets to your party, and grow stronger. Chain together cards in the right order for max power, and act before the enemy does. Build synergistic decks, find many secrets, and make BIG numbers!

I felt the mage was being fun and interesting, but it had a weird strength curve where it's quite tedious and difficult to win fights early in a run, and then he's too strong by the end of a run. With this update I introduce some changes to the mage to try to make it more balanced globally. There is still a lot to work on, but this is a juicy update! [b]New Cards:[/b] [list] [*] Rockslide [*] Amplifying Crystal [*] Hard Cover [*] New Page [*] Open Book [*] Random Page [*] Second Tome [*] Book Bash [*] Marbles Bracelet [*] Red Marble [*] Blue Marble [*] White Marble [*] Yellow Marble [*] Brown Marble [/list] [b]Cards Changes:[/b] [list] [*] Mage: Added a new set of "starter" cards that are non elemental, and act as the only combo 0 cards. All the previous 0 combo cards are now set to a different combo value, and also set to have a high cost outside of combo. What I'm aiming here is to force the player to have a few "starter" cards to be able to actually play the deck. [*] Other slight changes to various cards to reflect this change. [*] Levitate now makes you lose 10 Wind charges instead of all. [*] Chains now gives you x2 multiplier instead of +10 flat. [*] First Strike now costs 0 during combo [/list] [b]Enemies:[/b] [list] [*] Made Mimics more aggressive. [*] Made Tao more aggressive. [/list] [b]Misc:[/b] [list] [*] Elemental charges lost at the start of the turn now vary depending on how many charges you have. [*] Capped Evasion Status to 10 charges. [*] Blessing Good Care now activates with less frequency. [*] Element Statuses are now capped at 50, and they lose 1 charge at the start of the turn. [*] Changed AOE Up status to a multiplier instead of flat damage. [/list]