0.9i - New Sounds + FIxes

Kiwi Clicker - Juiced Up

Deliver more and more kiwis to satiate the kings' hunger - sacrifice their pulp and transcend beyond your fruital form!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42524872/5b47e51829ba95b99c1cb872434901268946a9ed.png[/img][h3]BETA 0.9i - New Sounds + Fixes[/h3] Hello! Things that didn't have noises... have noises now! Some of the noises are too quiet, some of them are probably too loud. I'll be improving that the following patches! We will have a guaranteed update on Monday [i]and then Wednesday and Friday[/i] A smaller update with QoL and planned balancing might come out before then, but I'm hoping to get some [b]cool content out for the Monday update![/b] As always, you might need to re-open Steam or check your game files to actually get the update - [b]Thanks for playing & have fun![/b] [h1]NEW SOUNDS[/h1] [b]ALL[/b]* sounds are now in! We've got a lot of really cool new sounds - and I hope you have more fun with the game now that the Carpentry King sounds like he ate a wheel of cheese a few hours ago. [expand type=spoiler]*97% of sounds are in but we're rounding up because I'm not mentioning 'hey I added TWO sounds!!!' in a future patch[/expand] [h3]TRANSCENDENCE VISUAL[strike]S[/strike][/h3] Now [strike]all[/strike] one of your upgrades will show you cool new visuals based on how much you've progressed in their transcendence branch! the other 4 are coming on the Monday patch|| [h3]SAVE BACKUPS[/h3] Your game now saves a backup save! But you should also still save your own backup save elsewhere too! [h3]BALANCE[/h3] [b]Everything Multiplier: [/b]Previous value > 50% of previous value: [b]Everything Multiplier [/b]Multiplier: Doesn't exist > will exist next update [b]King Exponential Reduction:[/b] Absolute trash > 20% Exponential (that's 10 000 easier by the nonillions!) [h3]FIXES[/h3] Carpentry ratios are now kept even if you play other professions||, you traitor - how could you?|| Another two fixes to things that were weird when spawning kinglings with the Carpentry King. There's probably still a fix or two left.